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14 Day deadline question

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    14 Day deadline question

    Can you please explain what can happen within the 14 days after the 341 meeting?

    Our 341 was on January 28, 2013 but is continued to March 4th as the US Trustee had questioned some of the information and calculations in the original filing. I responded to the information questions (i.e. children in college; their income and whether they contribute to car expenses; a work bonus received in March, 2012, etc) but where he questioned the Schedule I and Means Tests calculations, I deferred this to the attorney for response and/or corrections.

    Since our 341 was continued, does whatever the 14 day period restrictions/deadline not apply until the final 341 is held? As of today, other than the posting that the 341 was held and continued, PACER shows no additional entries since January 28th.

    Your discharge will come as normal, unless the United States Trustee moves to have the deadline extended or actually file and is granted a motion to dismiss (or complaint to dismiss). The 14 days from the "conclusion" of the 341 Meeting is for the other things such as presumption of abuse. Remember, that the UST actually has another trump card and that's the totality of circumstances and the UST has until the deadline to file a complaint to determine dischargeability, which is the same date that your discharge is scheduled.

    Just concentrate on getting the information to the UST and getting through your second 341 Meeting. If the UST is interested in your case, some times could change. Again, unless the UST requests to extend, your discharge would still come 60 days after your first schedule 341 Meeting (so 60 days from January 28th).
    Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
    Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
    Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

    Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


      Great, thanks for the info. When you say "deadline", are you referring to the 14 days from the conclusion of the 341 or the 60 day time frame?

      I just found out that the Paralegal that does the work for the attorney has been out of the office pretty much since the beginning of January with the flu and family medical issues. She is supposed to work on the data within the next few days.
      Last edited by stevem3827; 02-11-2013, 12:59 PM.


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