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341 meeting is tomorrow...nervous

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    341 meeting is tomorrow...nervous

    So my 341 meeting is scheudled for 11:30am tomorrow, I plan to get there an hour early and hang out until my time.

    I'm nervous for several reasons:

    - I'm filing pro se
    - My trustee never got my first packet of information, so I had to contact him multiple times by phone and email to ensure he was OK
    - My federal taxes were picked up exactly 7 days before the 341...hope he doesn't dismiss me on some technicality
    - I transferred a large asset to my ex-wife (house) but disclosed it and have supporting documentation. I had no equity to speak of, so this is probably OK.
    - The rest is just general nerves...I have a feeling he's going to request more information from me and delay my discharge

    Tell me it's going to be OK! Will post follow-up info afterwards.

    Good luck to you! Ours is Wednesday !
    Filed Chapter 7: 05/10/12
    341: 06/06/12


      Bring copies of everything you submitted to the trustee, just in case. And don't forget ID and evidence of your SSN.

      The trustee isn't going to dismiss your case. He doesn't have the power to. He'd have to petition the court to dismiss your case and have a good reason. The judge is very unlikely to dismiss your case because you were late providing documentation that the trustee had before the 341.

      If there is a delay to allow the trustee to review the paperwork, it isn't the end of the world. You will get through this.

      LadyInTheRed is in the black!
      Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
      $143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!


        You will do fine. Just leave plenty early enough to allow for traffic problems, and allow time for parking. Bring plenty of quarter so you can feed parking meters if necessary.

        Good luck to you and let us know how it goes.
        "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

        "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


          The meeting went fine with a couple of takeaway questions from the trustee (see my other recent posts). I was the only pro se debtor on the docket. One thing to note - I was the only one (besides attorneys) in a shirt and tie! Everyone else looked like they just rolled out of bed, literally. One guy was wearing a ripped t-shirt and flip flops. Were they trying to look poor as a strategy, or did they just not give a $(&*^$? Even the US BK court website says "dress nice" or be thrown out...I guess here they just don't care.


            Glad to hear your 341 went fine!


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