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341 this morning

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    341 this morning

    So I had my 341 meeting this morning... (pro se, chapter 7).. I got there about 30 min early... they started at 9am... EVERYBODY that went before me had an attorney.. So when they called my name I gotta little nervous... showed my id and ss card, they asked me the normal questions, did i get the statement of understainding (?): yes; is everything true on my docs: yes; did I have any help filling out my forms: no; am i keeping my house: yes (haven't yet decided on the reaffirmation)... then he says I did not yet submit my pay stubs and tax returns (oops)... but I had them with me so he took them then, and said he would have to continue the meeting til next month to have a chance to review them (no problems, everything was matches up with my files docs)... then.... another person asked me if I had any help filling out my documents... I said I bought an online doucment thing, that I had listed that on one of the schedules (the one that asks for any $$ paid for processing the documents...).. I kinda got the feeling that she thought I must have had help cause my docuuments were SO GOOD... we found the schedule I had it listed on.... trustee gave a continue date, but said if the review of the pay stubs and tax returns were ok, they would let me know... I went on Pacer after 5 PM today and it said "statement of adjournment" does that mean it's over, now I just wait my 60 days? Anyway.... The meeting was easy, Ithink mostly because everything I filed and everything I said was true... so I think I have no reason to worry. woo hoo!!!

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