the only thing that the trustee really questioned was that i gave my daughter my jeep 1 1/2 years ago for her 16th birthday... but she didn't go to have the title transferred until 7/09... sold it 9/09 for $4300. Because she had waited to transfer the title because she didn't have the money, they were going to fine her over $100, so I went with her and talked to the lady and she said they would just white out the 6/08 date and mileage and date it currently (9/09) so she wouldn't be fined... so, although I gave it to her 6/08, the title wasn't officially transferred til 7/09... he started asking about what debt I had when I gave it to her... I told him I was good financially... some credit card debt but everything being paid on time etc. for quite some time after that.... at the end, he just said he had no more questions at this time. I asked if I had to give anything up?....he said he hasn't decided....if so, I'll hear from him. Errrrrrrrgh. I'm a nervous wreck.
How long do you think before I'll know?
How long do you think before I'll know?