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341 is a wrap! Tips for a successful 341

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    Why are Chapter 13s the scariest of the two (7 and 13)? Why is the success rate only 40%? What is the difference in eligibility of 13 or 7?



      Great information! Thanks!

      Originally posted by tnsltwn View Post
      Well I have to say it was a RELIEVING feeling when I left the building. This whole process has been a breeze. I also had a simple case but none the less. I was worried and can say now I SHOULDN'T have been!

      Here are my tips:

      1. The Trustee will request docs about a month before your 341. HURRY AND RETURN THEM. You don't want a delay. That will only make you look bad and look bad in the eyes of the Trustee!

      2. BE ON TIME! Dress business casual. First impressions are a must. Remember the Trustee has the power to ask as much or as little as he wants. Dressing professional shows him that you are taking this serous and also shows respect.

      3. MANNERS! Be polite and professional when answering your questions.

      Aside from that I got there a hour early and met with my Attorney about 30 minutes before it started. When we all went in I went second and was sworn in and seated. Then he asked me a series of about 5 general questions and said "You returned all of the documents I requested, Do you have any questions? (ME: No.) Well then your dismissed, Take care."

      Now the part that I was freaked out about was WHEN WILL IT BE OVER! From my 341 I will have a discharge in about 60-70 days and my case will be OFFICIALLY closed once I send in a copy of my 2009 tax return. I assume he might want some of it but I'll have to wait and see.

      From this day forward It'a all about a cash budget, living within my means and SAVING! If anyone has any questions I would be happy to assist since I used this site as a great resource to pick myself up and get some knowledge. I'm OFFICIALLY IN THE 60 DAY CLUB! :P THANKS EVERYONE! Also my attorney was GREAT. If anyone in AZ needs one I'd be glad to share his contact info.

      Filed CH 7: 9/7/09
      341: 10/13/09
      Waiting for discharge!


        Hi All,
        New to the Forum and have received good information.
        I had my 341 meeting last week and it was a breeze! Suggestions: have all your paperwork prepared when you file.
        I provided to my atty before we filed
        6 months bank statements
        6 months pay stubs
        2 years of tax returns
        6 months of credit card statements
        6 months of auto loan statements
        2 quarters of 401K statements
        Basically anything that you know will be included in BK.
        Even though my Atty didnt need all the months, he was thankful to have the information.

        Be prepared and be HONEST!


          Greetings to all here at the forum!

          I had my meeting in June, and it went through without a hitch. My lawyer gave me the same advice that was repeated above [be on time, dress well, be polite, and answer all questions with honesty.] My lawyer also advised me to take the two online courses in order to expedite the process and get the required certificates submitted before the meeting. Everything worked out well, and I am very relieved to have it all behind me. I am now waiting for the discharge, which will happen on or around August 21st.

          Since I included my house in the BK7 as well, I am waiting to see when the foreclosure process will begin. It's funny though because Green Tree still sent papers--by certified mail no less--in order to impress upon me to file for HAMP. They did this several times prior to my filing the BK7, and also sent copies of the same information by regular mail as well. LOL! They sure spent more money than was needed, and seemed very redundant on their part.

          I'm now in the process of trying to move into a 2BR apartment, and just waiting to hear from my future landlord as to when he'll be finished cleaning up the place. I did have help finding the place since I was not sure if my current financial status would be a problem. Evidently there are more people in the same boat (or worse) than I am, and this landlord was very negotiable. It really helped to have another tenant ( and friend) speak up for me, and the fact that I have a good employment record...27+ years and still going. The key to all of this is...JUST BE OPEN AND HONEST!

          I CAN NOW LOOK FORWARD TO A HAPPIER FUTURE...and not worry about debt and credit issues. It's CASH-ONLY for me from now on, and I CAN live with it. I don't ever want to have to face this situation ever again, so I will be carefully watching my financial P's and Q's.

          A word to those who are still in the "panic-zone": You won't get anywhere until you take that first (and second) step, and...think about "Build[ing] a new model that makes the current one obsolete." You will never really be truly happy and stress-freer until you make this decision. Now GO FOR IT!!


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