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My WNY Pro Se 341 Meeting Experience Today (Telephonic)

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    My WNY Pro Se 341 Meeting Experience Today (Telephonic)

    Hello! I've been lurking here for a while, but I figured I'd post after my 341 meeting while it's still fresh. I filed pro se on 6/17 in Western New York with the help of, How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, EZ Bankruptcy Forms (for my fellow pro se filers: the auto-fill saves a lot of time), and this lovely forum. As a low-income filer who filed primarily for $25k in CC debt I don't know how useful my information will be to y'all, but here's my experience with my 341 meeting. I scheduled a Zoom call with my bankruptcy trustee before my 10am start to verify my social security card and driver's license.

    It really isn't anything to stress over, but as a pro se filer I did research the 341 meeting process more than I would have with an attorney. Remember to keep to answering with yes/no and with short, concise answers when you can't. Three people went before me. Two of them had their house and restaurant burn down this year, and the other had an attorney representing a creditor for business purposes, so I wasn't called until 10:30am. It took less than 5 minutes for me, no creditors appeared, and I was declared a no-asset case. Here's the entirety of what I was asked:

    State the last four digits of your social security card and the last four digits of your driver's license.
    State your name for the record.
    The address that is listed in your bankruptcy petition, is that your current address?
    Did you assist your attorney in the preparation of the petition?
    - Did you tell your attorney about all of your assets and all of your debts?
    - Are all your assets and all of your debts listed in the petition?
    - Did you review the petition before you signed it?
    - When you reviewed it, were all the pages completed?
    - When you signed it, was it true and accurate to the best of your knowledge?
    Have you ever filed bankruptcy before?
    [She explained here that I filed pro se and inquired if I had any help filling out my forms. I said was a huge help.]

    Do you have any domestic support obligations you're required to pay?
    How many people live in your household?
    You are currently employed?
    - Where do you work?
    You own the home in which you live?
    - What do you think the property is worth?
    - You have a mortgage listed here. Is this correct?
    - Do you own the land your property is on?
    - Is this the only real estate you have any interest in?
    Have you owned any real estate in the last 6 years?
    You own [my car] and I did see a copy of your title to this vehicle.
    - No money owed on that?
    Do you own any other motor vehicles?
    - Do you own any recreational vehicles?

    I see you have accounts with[listed bank accounts].
    - Is this accurate?
    - Is there any other bank or credit union you have an account with?
    Do you have any retirement savings? Stocks, bonds, broker accounts?
    You got a small tax refund of under $1,000. Is this correct?
    Do you own or operate a business?
    In the past year, did you pay any friends or relatives $600 or more?
    In the 90 days before filing, did you pay one creditor $600 or more?
    In the 90 days before filing, did you use one credit card to pay down another or do a balance transfer between cards?
    Does anyone owe you any money?
    Is anyone holding onto money or property that is actually owned by you?
    In the past year, did you transfer any property to anyone?
    Have you ever been injured in an accident that you can sue someone for money?
    Has anyone passed away recently and left you an inheritance?
    - If anyone does before filing or in the 6 months after, you must contact the trustee to turn over money or property. Do you understand? [This is especially important during this pandemic. Any proceeds of a malpractice or negligence lawsuit would have to be communicated to the trustee.]
    Have your relatives put any property in your name for estate planning purposes or as a gift?
    Have you operated a business under your name in the last 4 years?

    Welcome to BKForum.
    Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
    Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
    Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

    Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


      Thanks for your post ..sharing experience can always be of value. I’m glad your 341 mtg went well ...good luck 😊
      Filed Chapter 13 - 07/20/12
      Discharged 8/2/16


        Glad everything went well for you! I’m planning on filing chapter 7 in the same area soon. Did the trustee ask you for bank statements? My lawyer said there not needed to file but from what I’ve read it seems common that there asked for.


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