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getting secured CC after 341?

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    getting secured CC after 341?

    Just had my 341 about a month ago and I went ahead and took the liberty of going to
    Public savings bank (300) which I found online
    and one through my local CU (500)

    I have received my PSB card and went ahead and starting using it. Usually take CC's to about 50% and pay them all off since I use them like a debit card.

    But my main question is this, while this be bad for me to already get these secured cards? My bk7 isn't closed yet but it should be by 10/23. I just had so many charge-off's on my account that I want to rebuild my credit ASAP before I start my upper division classes so I can get a student loan.
    chap 7 filed 7/2009, discharged 12/2009
    TU-491 EX-511 Nov 2009
    TU-591 EX-584 Feb 2010

    You are NOT supposed to get ANY new credit until after your discharge.
    4/09 Converted to a Ch 7 due to loss in dh's income
    5/09 UST now involved no idea what happens next
    7/09 UST has decided to withdraw his motion to dismiss!
    7/27/09 DISCHARGED!!!


      I think you will be just fine if you do not activate the card before your discharge. of course it depends on how long they take to discharge you as well, you may have to reapply. I hope this helps my friend
      Filed CH 13 07/18/08
      341 Meeting 09/03/08
      Confirmed 10/14/08
      Stats: $322 payment, 22/39 Completed


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