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What was your credit score pre-filing?

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    What was your credit score pre-filing?

    Just curious... what was your credit score pre-filing? And if you have been discharged/closed, what is your score now compared to before? Just wondering what kind of time frame improvements happen in, and if I have the worst credit score on the forum! LOL (not really, I guess, but if you can't laugh at yourself...)

    ETA - Mine was 450
    400 and under
    Last edited by ilovemycaitybug; 04-30-2007, 05:15 PM. Reason: Add Credit Score
    3/27/07: Chapter 7 Filed - Pre-filing true FICO (hers/his) 450/477
    5/10/07: 341 Meeting DONE! Trustee's Report of No Distribution Filed
    7/04/07: FICOs going up! Credit report cleanup (hers/his) 540/536
    7/10/07: DISCHARGED! 8/27/07: CLOSED!

    Ours is back up to the 600-650 range. I never knew what the bottom was before we filed in Sept, '06.

    We were 680 the beginning of March, '06,.......... With all the debt, and before the missed payments started to show.

    You gotta remember, tho,......... We had a long track record of no missed payments before our downward spiral began. 26+ years of good credit went down the tubes.
    Filed Ch 7 - 09/06
    Discharged - 12/2006
    Officially Declared No Asset - 03/2007
    Closed - 04/2007

    I am not an attorney. My comments are based on personal experience and research. Always consult an attorney in your area to address concerns related to your particular situation.

    Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate. - Woody Allen...


      Same here before missed payments started I was like 750 and I checked it laste week it was 509 I image it will get worse LOL



        On April 1 it was 705 from Trans Union. My case was filed April 25. I don't know what it is now, I used to get my TU FICO free on my WaMu credit card site. not anymore, obviously.
        Filed C7: 04/25/2007
        341: 05/21/2007
        Last Day for Objections: 07/20/2007
        Discharged: 07/23/07 Closed: 07/26/07


          EQ was a whopping 464, while the other 2 were in low 5's.

          CH7 d/c was 13 months ago. Last week, got an unsecured Barclays for $3k
          have been within spittin range of 700 across the boards for 6 months - guess I gotta tackle those state tax liens to go further!


            I just bought a car right before all the proverbial crap hits the fan and my score was 710. I have no idea what it is now nor do I want to know. It's only been a month of missed payments but I'm sure it's way down already.
            11/14/07 -filed C7 12/04/07 -case pulled for random audit.12/18/07 -341 held: Asset case due to engagement ring & tax return.02/19/08 - US trustee files motion to extend. 04/02/08- changed back to NO ASSET! I get my ring back and get to keep my tax return! :clapping: 04/28/08 -DISCHARGED!!! :yahoo::yahoo: 05/07/08 - CLOSED!!!


              I didn't check before our filing.....never crossed my mind and I knew they were in the toilet.........but after the discharge, scores were in the low 500's. As of 04/30/2007, mid score is 655.
              Bankruptcy History:
              Chapter 7 filed - 10/12/2005 - Asset
              Discharged - 02/16/2006
              Case Closed - 11/08/2007

              A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain ~ Mark Twain

              All suggestions are based on personal experience and research and SHOULD NOT be construed as legal advice as I am NOT an attorney. Always consult with competent counsel in your area with regards to your particular situation.


                I was at 720 Early part of the year than dropped to 520 around the time I filed. I have no idea what is is now ???

                July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
                Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
                Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
                Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


                  Before filing my middle score was 825, and one month after filing it droped to 624. Nine months later it is now back to 699 due to agressive action on my part.


                    i was 680-700 pre filing... after filing 618-636. ill be checking monthly but anticipate this scoring going down. im ready for the battle of improvement.


                      May 2005 my credit score was 791, a job loss, a divorce, and a foreclosure later my score is now 400. I have tried the credit counseling route for the past 8 months and am tired of the endless stuggle. I never thought I would file for bankruptcy, but it seem inevitable at this point. The idea of a "fresh start" is actually refreshing at this point. It's pretty sad when someone goes from being able to get a loan for 300k to only getting approval for $300 in less than two years. Since offing myself is not an option, I will be filing soon for chapter 7....enough is enough.


                        I just filed a few weeks ago and recently recieved a bonus from my work. It was a big one and I was wondering if I have to report it to anyone. I haven't attended the 341 meeting yet. Do I have to tell anyone about the money?


                          We had good credit (though I do not remember a specific "score.") One of our creditors told us we still do, even after non-payment for almost a year. We have been informed that several of our accounts are going to seek a judgment, (but no summons as of yet). We have no assets, nor any income. We are in effect judgment proof (until they change the laws this fall to counter all of the interest only fallout). Or until we "make it," in which case we want to pay everything off in full anyways. (always has been and will continue to be our intention, despite no love lost on the predators.)

                          I find it interesting that the credit bureaus don't zero out our credit ratings and then keep them there. I understand that it is "just business," but could anything be more predatory than tempting the recently discharged with credit? I loath their juvenile grading system. The monied financial interests must really think of us all as their ignorant children, here to honor, obey, and serve them. Now I hear adds on the radio that equate our credit scores to a report card? Am I supposed to be afraid that David Rockefeller (daddy) will see it and disapprove?

                          I guess so since we allow so much to ride upon our credit score in our economy (jobs, housing, security clearance, buying and selling).

                          That's why we moved to the absolute middle of nowhere. I hope I never accept debt again! I would rather subsist in the wilderness than play the extortion game again. (I through the forum rules again and cannot see how this vent violates them so I hope it is tolerated if not embraced).
                          Filed Pro Se 9-27-07
                          341 Telephonically 10-30-07
                          Discharged 1-16-2008!
                          Closed 1-22-2008!


                            I was just under 500, I'm climbing now
                            My credit scores:
                            Before Filing: Tr 496, Ex 496, Eq 507

                            Today: Tr 618 (+122), Ex 601 (+105), Eq 623 (+116)


                              What program do you all use to monitor your credit score? In the past I haven't been too concerned with my credit score, but now that I have filed I'll be working on repairing it so need to keep an eye on it. I've seen a lot of commercials and stuff for different programs, but just want to get recommendations. Thanks!


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