Hey gang,
After doing lots of studying during my Chapter 13 (the kind where 100% of my DMI was paid to the Trustee, but my unsecured creditors were far from whole), I was expecting my credit rating to tank immediately after my discharge, and by "tank" I mean, dip into the 500s or lower. Yeah, about that. Yesterday I found out my discharge came through on Wednesday and so I checked Equifax to see what the damage was. Would you believe 714 for Equifax, 713 for TransUnion, and "Unavailable" for Experian? I'm bumfuzzeled. Should I expect that credit rating to gradually drop for say, the next 90 days before it finally bottoms out?
After doing lots of studying during my Chapter 13 (the kind where 100% of my DMI was paid to the Trustee, but my unsecured creditors were far from whole), I was expecting my credit rating to tank immediately after my discharge, and by "tank" I mean, dip into the 500s or lower. Yeah, about that. Yesterday I found out my discharge came through on Wednesday and so I checked Equifax to see what the damage was. Would you believe 714 for Equifax, 713 for TransUnion, and "Unavailable" for Experian? I'm bumfuzzeled. Should I expect that credit rating to gradually drop for say, the next 90 days before it finally bottoms out?
