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Credit Inquiries for Employment

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    Originally posted by HHM View Post
    Generally no, a criminal background check will not show the BK.
    Isn't a 'criminal background check' often a more inviting description of a complete 'background check' which lists public records such as BK and judgements?

    There is a lot of paranoia lately in the general public, that employers are going to check your networking sites, your credit, your neighbors, your social security records, dig into your employment history since you were 16, etc. etc. etc... painting the picture that it is next to impossible to become employed unless you have never, ever, made a single mistake in your entire life.

    I'm sure that can't be entirely true - some of the dumbest people I know are gainfully employed.
    Filed Joint, No Asset, > $100,000 Unsecured Ch.7 6/7/13 ~~ 341 Meeting 7/15/13 ~~ Discharged 9/16/13 !!


      Originally posted by Pizza View Post
      Isn't a 'criminal background check' often a more inviting description of a complete 'background check' which lists public records such as BK and judgements?

      There is a lot of paranoia lately in the general public, that employers are going to check your networking sites, your credit, your neighbors, your social security records, dig into your employment history since you were 16, etc. etc. etc... painting the picture that it is next to impossible to become employed unless you have never, ever, made a single mistake in your entire life.

      I'm sure that can't be entirely true - some of the dumbest people I know are gainfully employed.

      A criminal background check typically involves running your name and date of birth through NCIC (the FBI's nationwide computer database). It will reveal arrests for CRIMINAL offenses. Furthermore, private employers will only have access to CONVICTIONS (frequently charges are dropped and/or dismissed and they will not be able to see these). There is NOTHING in the database that has anything to do with credit, finances, civil court issues, judgements, etc. This is a completely separate process.
      Filed Chapter 7 08/06/09, unsecured debt of $109,000
      341 Meeting 09/09/09
      Discharged 11/12/09
      Closed 12/14/09


        We have not yet filed but are 5 months behind on our cc's, I'm worried that a job I'm up for will run a credit check and that will be the end of me getting the job of my dreams....ugh I hate this economy
        Chapter 7 filed 11/4/10 ---- 341 Meeting 12/1/10 ---- Discharge 1/31/2011.


          Originally posted by Fallonedward View Post
          We have not yet filed but are 5 months behind on our cc's, I'm worried that a job I'm up for will run a credit check and that will be the end of me getting the job of my dreams....ugh I hate this economy
          I can relate to that. I could get a job right now as a 911 dispatcher, but that darn credit check is what prevented me from getting the job. Nevermind that I can type 70 wpm, know medical terminology and first aid. Nope, my credit must be excellent to do that $26,000 per yr. job.
          Chapter 7 filed 2/26/2010
          341 meeting 4/18/2010
          Discharged 6/14/2010-On our way back up the ladder from a rough patch.
          FICO score goal by June 2011:720+


            Originally posted by leena View Post
            I also have to add that all of this emphasis on BK and employment is rather false-the vast majority of people who file BK have lousy credit by the time they file BK, and for an employer who cares that is going to be as bad-or actually worse then a BK. Filing is not generally going to make their employment picture bleaker-and might actually improve it. I was told for instance that the Police Department in my city does not consider a BK one year or older an issue (and this is a security clearance job!)- current outstanding, past due debt=big issue!
            What about a person who had good credit (even outstanding) before the BK? This would be me. I never paid late on bills or missed a payment - and I even paid my cards off in full several times. Paid off student and personal loans. I kept paying on my bills right up until the filing. I have no criminal record. I filed for BK because I ran out of money to pay my bills before I could find a job. NO calls for interviews since after my BK - several right before. What am I to think of this? I think the word BK - no mattter what the reason or what your credit was prior to it - still sets of a big beakon off to the HR - "Toss this resume in the can (even though this person may be the most qualified person that applied for the job)"

            My BK discharged just over a year ago. Is the farther in the past your BK - the less bad it looks for you? I never want to have any credit cards again and I haven't tried to get one (how could I pay for it - I have no money!). I have had accounts at credit unions. I don't know that sort of stuff shows up in the credit check. I have to go an redo run mine - I am sure it probably looks great - EXCEPT the BK.

            So unfair...
            "I broke, I broke, it's off to Chapter 7 I go"
            1st meeting w/ Lawyer: 4/3/09 * File: 4/30/09 *341: 6/23/09 * Discharged 8/25/09!


              Originally posted by Pizza View Post
              Isn't a 'criminal background check' often a more inviting description of a complete 'background check' which lists public records such as BK and judgements?

              There is a lot of paranoia lately in the general public, that employers are going to check your networking sites, your credit, your neighbors, your social security records, dig into your employment history since you were 16, etc. etc. etc... painting the picture that it is next to impossible to become employed unless you have never, ever, made a single mistake in your entire life.

              I'm sure that can't be entirely true - some of the dumbest people I know are gainfully employed.
              I agree. Why is that when I go places like stores etc - they have the stupidist people working there? And people who complain about their jobs? (geez, you are lucky to HAVE a job and you are complaining - you don't deserve that job!) Yet I, who has an excellent work ethnic and awesome employment record, cant get a job - why? because of the BK.
              "I broke, I broke, it's off to Chapter 7 I go"
              1st meeting w/ Lawyer: 4/3/09 * File: 4/30/09 *341: 6/23/09 * Discharged 8/25/09!


                Originally posted by BK2008 View Post
                Their response: "Everbody's credit is trashed in this economy, this should not be a problem".

                So along with that and some glowing references from prior employers, I'm good.
                I want to work for this employer! That is what all employers now need to learn. Of course, they have all the power right now and they know it - why should they bother? They can afford to jerk people around, treat them horribly and be ridiculous picky. They think it is their RIGHT in this economy. It is like the applicant gets no respect at all because they know how desperate every one is. I think they are drunk on the power. Ridiculous! Can't wait until hopefully the tables will be turned in our favor and they will be begging for us to apply for their jobs - I remember in 1999 right before Y2K - one of my friends had just completed a Computer programming certification class and she had companies begging her to take jobs! Ah - the good old days!
                "I broke, I broke, it's off to Chapter 7 I go"
                1st meeting w/ Lawyer: 4/3/09 * File: 4/30/09 *341: 6/23/09 * Discharged 8/25/09!


                  Queenfluff, how long have you been out of work? In my state its not uncommon to be out of work for 2 years or more. We are hoping to find work in either our state or elsewhere. I would hope that some company will give us both a chance for a fresh start just as GM, Chrysler and the banks who declared BK got.

                  Originally posted by queenfluff View Post
                  I agree. Why is that when I go places like stores etc - they have the stupidist people working there? And people who complain about their jobs? (geez, you are lucky to HAVE a job and you are complaining - you don't deserve that job!) Yet I, who has an excellent work ethnic and awesome employment record, cant get a job - why? because of the BK.
                  Chapter 7 filed 11/4/10 ---- 341 Meeting 12/1/10 ---- Discharge 1/31/2011.


                    Originally posted by queenfluff View Post
                    What about a person who had good credit (even outstanding) before the BK? This would be me. I never paid late on bills or missed a payment - and I even paid my cards off in full several times. Paid off student and personal loans. I kept paying on my bills right up until the filing. I have no criminal record. I filed for BK because I ran out of money to pay my bills before I could find a job. NO calls for interviews since after my BK - several right before. What am I to think of this? I think the word BK - no mattter what the reason or what your credit was prior to it - still sets of a big beakon off to the HR - "Toss this resume in the can (even though this person may be the most qualified person that applied for the job)"

                    My BK discharged just over a year ago. Is the farther in the past your BK - the less bad it looks for you? I never want to have any credit cards again and I haven't tried to get one (how could I pay for it - I have no money!). I have had accounts at credit unions. I don't know that sort of stuff shows up in the credit check. I have to go an redo run mine - I am sure it probably looks great - EXCEPT the BK.

                    So unfair...

                    What sort of jobs are you applying for that check your credit prior to an interview? Such checks usually came after interviews. I feel for the person who can;t work for 911 because they do credit checks-that is just plain stupid.
                    Filed: 9/9/2009
                    341: 10/13, went well!
                    Discharged 12/17/2009


                      I would also suggest this link for another perspective on the credit check situation:
                      Filed: 9/9/2009
                      341: 10/13, went well!
                      Discharged 12/17/2009


                        Originally posted by Fallonedward View Post
                        Queenfluff, how long have you been out of work? In my state its not uncommon to be out of work for 2 years or more. We are hoping to find work in either our state or elsewhere. I would hope that some company will give us both a chance for a fresh start just as GM, Chrysler and the banks who declared BK got.
                        Well, I was laid from my "real" job (meaning good bucks. ) in June 2006. In 2007, I was looking but not having much luck so I taking more graduate school classes until it was just too expensive. 2008, I had small " home business" with my bf - wasn't real money but it is on my resume - moslty part time. So there has been nothing since that time, so according to my resume it looks like 2009 - so maybe one and a half years but it really seems like four. I had a few job leads where I had more than one interview for that I thought I would surely get - one I didn't get and the other they froze. grrr...April 2009 I filed for BK. So, unemployment since 2007. I didn't get all the extended stuff.
                        "I broke, I broke, it's off to Chapter 7 I go"
                        1st meeting w/ Lawyer: 4/3/09 * File: 4/30/09 *341: 6/23/09 * Discharged 8/25/09!


                          Originally posted by leena View Post
                          What sort of jobs are you applying for that check your credit prior to an interview? Such checks usually came after interviews. I feel for the person who can;t work for 911 because they do credit checks-that is just plain stupid.
                          They are mostly IT jobs(not with banks or finance - my friend said I should avoid those because they will run a check on me for the BK and not even call me for an interview). But jobs at hosptials, utilites in IT and also animal related stuff since I used to be a zookeeper (but that is way in the past), psychology (psych degreee). Or anything else I have solid work experience for.

                          I was told that companies are now running the checks on potential interviewees in order to cut the list down. So, in short, if I was very qualified and they were thinking about calling me and they have too many people to pick from and too damn lazy to interview too many people, they will cut more people from off the list by limiting those with bad credit or BK - because they associated that with irresponsiblity and a poor work performance which is ridiculous.
                          "I broke, I broke, it's off to Chapter 7 I go"
                          1st meeting w/ Lawyer: 4/3/09 * File: 4/30/09 *341: 6/23/09 * Discharged 8/25/09!


                            Originally posted by queenfluff View Post
                            They are mostly IT jobs(not with banks or finance - my friend said I should avoid those because they will run a check on me for the BK and not even call me for an interview). But jobs at hosptials, utilites in IT and also animal related stuff since I used to be a zookeeper (but that is way in the past), psychology (psych degreee). Or anything else I have solid work experience for.

                            I was told that companies are now running the checks on potential interviewees in order to cut the list down. So, in short, if I was very qualified and they were thinking about calling me and they have too many people to pick from and too damn lazy to interview too many people, they will cut more people from off the list by limiting those with bad credit or BK - because they associated that with irresponsiblity and a poor work performance which is ridiculous.
                            I would take the story that tons of employers are doing that with a grain of salt. I know some IT positions are considered very "sensitive" due to the abundance of access to personal and financial information-nothing new in that I first heard of some types of employers seeking IT people doing credit checks on them back in the late 90's. Just keep in mind, though that the economy is truly rotten. You very likely are not getting much in the way of interviews simply because they have a staggering amount of resumes. I just advertised for a $10.00 per hour receptionist. You can't live on $10.00 an hour, yes there are benefits but they are expensive. I got 120 resumes for the position. I have NO idea where to start. We do not do credit checks in my company for most positions-but then again, most property management companies do not in MN anyway - a few of the big companies do, but not many.

                            For any company, running checks on a bunch of resumes would be expensive and something they would likely only do for some positions.

                            Best wishes QF and just keep in mind, your credit is only a part of what SOME employers are looking at, and a lot of those employers are people you would not want to work for anyway!
                            Filed: 9/9/2009
                            341: 10/13, went well!
                            Discharged 12/17/2009


                              Originally posted by leena View Post
                              I would take the story that tons of employers are doing that with a grain of salt. I know some IT positions are considered very "sensitive" due to the abundance of access to personal and financial information-nothing new in that I first heard of some types of employers seeking IT people doing credit checks on them back in the late 90's. Just keep in mind, though that the economy is truly rotten. You very likely are not getting much in the way of interviews simply because they have a staggering amount of resumes. I just advertised for a $10.00 per hour receptionist. You can't live on $10.00 an hour, yes there are benefits but they are expensive. I got 120 resumes for the position. I have NO idea where to start. We do not do credit checks in my company for most positions-but then again, most property management companies do not in MN anyway - a few of the big companies do, but not many.

                              For any company, running checks on a bunch of resumes would be expensive and something they would likely only do for some positions.

                              Best wishes QF and just keep in mind, your credit is only a part of what SOME employers are looking at, and a lot of those employers are people you would not want to work for anyway!

                              Are you an HR person? Just wondering how HR/employers are looking at resumes today. Do they really still look at qualifications first and than "weed" people out based on other things? Are they interviewing more potential candidates now since they get so many resumes? or less? I would think because of the overwhleming amout of resumes they get that they are more likely to chuck someones resume because of a small issue than before - simply because it cuts down their workload of looking through them all.I often wonder if they look for the faults first instead of the qualifications like they should. I don't understand why big companies wouldn't just hire an intern or something go through all those resumes - it is an extreme disservice to the applicant not to even have their resume properly reviewed. I think the HR people need to put themselves in the applicant shoes.
                              "I broke, I broke, it's off to Chapter 7 I go"
                              1st meeting w/ Lawyer: 4/3/09 * File: 4/30/09 *341: 6/23/09 * Discharged 8/25/09!


                                Originally posted by queenfluff View Post

                                Are you an HR person? Just wondering how HR/employers are looking at resumes today. Do they really still look at qualifications first and than "weed" people out based on other things? Are they interviewing more potential candidates now since they get so many resumes? or less? I would think because of the overwhleming amout of resumes they get that they are more likely to chuck someones resume because of a small issue than before - simply because it cuts down their workload of looking through them all.I often wonder if they look for the faults first instead of the qualifications like they should. I don't understand why big companies wouldn't just hire an intern or something go through all those resumes - it is an extreme disservice to the applicant not to even have their resume properly reviewed. I think the HR people need to put themselves in the applicant shoes.
                                I work in Corporate and am heavily involved with HR. Everyone needs to know that most companies do credit and background checks due to legal and insurance requirements. If one was an employer in today's world and one was running a business and needed employees to help with the business, would one just hire anyone off the street without checking their background and/or credit history before putting them in departments where they have access to all sorts of information, items, accounts or cash? Think about it...

                                HR folks were themselves an applicant. They are trained as to the process of hiring, the legalities involved and what is required by the company they work for. Usually, the hiring process is all done via a policy in place by the company and when resumes arrive, they are gleaned through to find the most qualified candidates for the position. The gleaned applications are then taken to the person in the company who is looking for the candidate and they are again reviewed and the most promising/qualified applicants are called in for interviews. From there it is all about how one sells themselves to get the position, their background and training, experience, qualifications, education, etc., etc. Either prior to the interview via the application or at the interview, you are asked to sign an employment application which will detail what they will do upon your signature and your providing them with your SS number. In that paragraph it will state if they will do a background and/or credit check. If you sign the application, you allow that process. If you don't sign they will not do the check and of course you will not be considered for the job. After the interview is done the checks are run to determine if all is in place as to the persons resume, references called, etc. A credit and/or background check will be run and will be reviewed. If the company has policies in place as to not hiring anyone with bad credit, bankrtupcy or felonies on their records, you may not be considered any further for the position. But if you have a stupendous resume and are what they are looking for as to experience and qualifications, they can and may find ways around that issue. They may question one further as to their financial history at that point if they are still interested and call one back for a second interview.

                                Note that during an interview the credit checks and background checks have probably not yet been run. That is done usually after the interview. If one has concerns about a bankruptcy or anything in their background that one feels couuld be an issue, when asked at the interview if one has any other questions that is the time to be honest and ASK if something like that could hurt in getting a position with the company and if one filed BK for good reason (i.e., job loss, major medical issues, etc.), being open about that and stating that your past financial history will not have any affect on your job performance if hired could help get you the position. Nothing, however, is guaranteed as to any position one is applying for so do as much homework as one can on a company's hiriing processes if one has an interview lined up.
                                Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
                                Early Buy-Out: April 2006
                                Discharge: August 2006

                                "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


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