So the 341 is scheduled for 2 weeks from now, and the phone has gone dead quiet. Even checking the mailbox brings nothing but junk mail. It is a strangely quiet time. After 30-40 phone calls per day, and piles of daily letters in the mail to "remind" me of past due bills, this quiet is almost deafening!

What is realization it is to see how easily we get used to whatever is. Not long ago, the bills were all up to date and the phone was quiet. I thought nothing of it. But after having the thing ringing constantly, to dead silence is downright strange. Lol! I like the quiet, but also feel like it is the calm before the storm, know what I mean?

Other than the quietness in both phone and mail, I am working on finances. I never want to fall into that CC cycle again, and need to get money stashed for emergencies. I am cutting my spending down to next to nothing, and that takes effort. Before I thought nothing of going to get a 4.00 cup of coffee on my way to work. Now, the thought of spending 4.00 for coffee makes my stomach turn! Lol! I make coffee at home and clip coupons. I have been challanging myself to see how frugal I can be, without being nutty about it. I allowed myself 20.00 to get through the week. I am buying food at discounted prices and freezing it for the winter. Just common sense things that I used to do years ago, and have gotten away from.

Oh well, the learning process continues as I stroll through the deadly quiet path of BK.
I guess this time is best used to find a way to change the habits that brought about this path to begin with.