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I have a question concerning christmas bonuses and trustees. My question is this year for christmas my husband boss said he was going to give a bonus . I filed (not husband) Chapter 13 in July 2011. I am a stay at home mom and they went off his income. And the question I have is do I have to report that to the trustee and if I dont what happens? I know that they will be taxing this and it will show up on w2 forms and i do believe that the trustee will be getting a copy of that. Which will have a increase of yearly income. But i also told the lawyer that husband does get bonus sometimes we do not ever know when or how much and they said I didnt have to report it. Because it was never know if we would be getting this money or not from year to year. But i am worried about the increase on w2 and the trustee. will my payments just go up..?? How is this handled?