I got my discharge three weeks ago, on August 31st. I couldn't believe it! I didn't think it would come until September.

It came in the mail. At first, I saw US Bankruptcy Court and I was worried there was some sort of objection, so you can imagine the shock when I read that it was a discharge.

For me this process has been very easy, with few roadblocks. I know it is not like that with everyone, so I feel very thankful for that.

I feel like a new person. I filed alone and we still have about $600 to pay off of my hubby's credit card and we will be debt free and I can't wait!

Also, I applied for a new card. I know- shame shame. Actually, the offer came two days after my discharge. I was shocked. It is a Household Bank card and has a $500 limit. I called and was approved. I plan to use it sparingly and pay it off when the bill comes so that I don't pay interest.

Anyhow, that's my story. I will post in the future with regards to rebuilding my life and credit. Bankruptcy is certainly not the end of the world; it is a new beginning!