I have been married for 15years. My husband and I have been dealing with joint cc debt for most of our marriage. As a couple, I tend to be the saver but he's a spender. We both had good paying jobs out of college and quickly got comfortable with using credit to feed the immediate satisfaction of getting things when we wanted instead of when we could afford. We were great at paying billing but terrible at saving money. We've been on this endless cycle of accruing mounting cc debt-consolidating debt-paying it off while filling another credit card.
I am one of those guilty individual that has allowed my spouse to handle the paying of the bills and becoming more out of touch with our financial situation. Well let me tell you, as a result of filling out the paperwork for my business bk, I have had an abrupt awakening to our joint debt. Right now we have about 60k in unsecured debt and 25k in a second mortgage. I didnt realize the unsecured debt had gotten so large.