I have to say that for the most part the calls have been fairly painless. But it's that one call every so often by someone who either loves their job or really hates it that gets me all in an uproar. Today I let them rattle me and I don't like that at all.
The guy who called was from a Northland Collection Agency about a Citi account and refused to stray from his little script. And get this, as I'm typing this entry he calls again, refuses to speak to me, refuses to tell me who they are and why they are calling. They want to talk to my husband. I tried to tell him that my husband doesn't talk to them he will give the phone to me. He hung up. And on the first call I gave the name and number of my attorney. I know that everyone and their brother talks about filing bk to these collection agencies but honestly, what prompts them to waste this much time.
I was just starting to feel a little bit better and now I'm all freaked out again.
I wanted to get some software to hook up to my phone system to help with this situation (we only have land line and no cell phones) but the modem we got with our computer is the new software controlled kind and they (the people with the software to help with this situation) say it won't work. Plus it only has one phone port and no passthru.
Thank you all for letting me vent.