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spending cash x

  • Driving myself crazy......Really screwed up my life....

    I met with a BK attorney on Monday for my initial consultation. I was foreclosed on and condo was sold 3/2/11, he advised me to file. I forgot to ask him something very important. I got sober in 2004 and turned my life around. In 2010, I lost my job, condo and had to leave my family and take a job out...
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    Last edited by reg; 04-06-2011, 08:53 AM.

  • Income and Bank Statement Questions, filing in 8 days

    I am filing ch7 March 31st.

    I have a few questions:

    With my regular income I am close to the median income but still under.

    The problem is I got an unexpected bonus on March 10th that puts me over.

    The attorney said if I file before the end...
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  • keepinitreal
    started a topic Why Cash Is the New Plastic

    Why Cash Is the New Plastic

    November 9, 2010

    Consumers are spending again, but gone are the days of swiping and signing for everything from lattes to lawn furniture. Shoppers are reaching for paper money, and as they do, stores and even credit card issuers are increasingly ready to reward them – with more cash....
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