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venicehope started a topic 3 yrs. later, Wells Fargo bank persueing additional fees on discharged home loan ?in Chapter 73 yrs. later, Wells Fargo bank persueing additional fees on discharged home loan ?
Here's some info for all my fellow Florida neighbors (Sarasota County -Tampa Middle District). After filing for Ch. 7 in 2007 includinging our home & being discharged in 1/2008 my home still sits vacant. The bank filed a Lis Pend in 6/12/2009, it went up for tax sale by county last July where Wachovia/Wells...
Post 341 meeting
The good news is that I had my 341 meeting on Friday 12/5. Before I had this meeting I went to my attorney's office to review the paperwork, schedules and etc etc...When I got home I had a few to do's for the attorney.
This was on 12/2. I noticed 2 CC accounts were not on the schedule (forgot...
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