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reposession x
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  • Rozi
    started a topic Which is worse?

    Which is worse?

    A Chapter 7 bankrutpcy or a Voluntary Repo?
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  • Outlandish
    started a topic Chapter 7 and car Lease

    Chapter 7 and car Lease

    i just filed BK7 and was gonna keep ,my lease until i found out that my agreement goes for anther 18 months past the time I thought it was due
    I guess I was suckered in the deal But @ the time I was making good $ and just signed and drive always paying on time . Never read cc statements just...
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  • ToughSpot
    started a topic Gone!


    Well, I guess I am the first to post in this Repo section. I had a Ford pickup truck that I had used for my LLC. I shut down the company in the summer and stopped payments about 2 1/2 months ago. I kept in touch with Ford Credit because I didn't want them surprising me at 2AM for a repo. I also owed...
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  • ConfusedMic
    started a topic Car dealer lying?

    Car dealer lying?

    So I need help here. my bk was discharged in august 08. I did reaffirm the car I currently have, but I stupidly misunderstood what i was doing. Now i have better credit but i can't refi because my interest rate is so crazy the car isnt worth as much. I'm trying to trade it in, but they are asking for...
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  • meggie
    started a topic Repo before bk? or just don't reaffirm?

    Repo before bk? or just don't reaffirm?


    I am planning on doing a voluntary repo on one of my two cars. I will be filing CH7 in June (waiting because of a tuition thing at school, I want to be sure I can graduate and be able to get my last semester of govt financial aid. )

    I had a nice car, $265 monthly...
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    Last edited by meggie; 02-06-2009, 01:35 PM. Reason: edited for clarity

  • ourf8
    started a topic Repo man comes, leaves empty handed!

    Repo man comes, leaves empty handed!

    Whew, what a day. Our 341 is Monday and we are so ready for this to be over with. We filed out statement of intention for our vehicle last week by the deadline and have kept in contact with our lender GMAC about whether we would re-affirm or redeem. As I am getting our little girl ready for...
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