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reaffirming x

  • Trudy
    started a topic Question Reaffirmation for Car loan?

    Reaffirmation for Car loan?

    Hi Everyone,

    I have been reading the forum for several months and some of the advise I've taken has been very helpful, so thanks a bunch!

    I filed C7 pro se (in NJ) and so far, things have gone well. Today we received a Discharge of Debtor Notice that said "It appears...
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  • HRoark0717
    started a topic Quick question on reaffirming a car

    Quick question on reaffirming a car

    I am planning to reaffirm my car loan and adding the lienholder info on The Statement of Intentions.
    Question: Am I required to also add the car lienholder to the Mailing Matrix?
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  • Keep investment property and primary residence

    I have an investment property that has no equity and a primary with no equity. Will the trustee allow me to keep both properties? How can I avoid reaffirming the debt without forcing the property into foreclosure?
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  • BKHELP138
    started a topic reaffirming mortgage .... Help !

    reaffirming mortgage .... Help !

    I wanted to know if i do not reaffirm does my principle still go down? Can I still write-off on interest on my taxes ? What about upgrades for write-offs ? I do not car about it being on my credit. I just want the principle to go down and still have the write-off. Thanks for any and all who answer...
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  • Mi Bankruptcy
    started a topic To reaffirm home or Not reaffirm Mortgage

    To reaffirm home or Not reaffirm Mortgage

    I meet with my Attorney this afternoon to actually pay the 299.00 to file.

    I have been considering not reaffirming my home for the following reasons.

    I am the sole provider for my family. If something happens to me I don't want my wife burdened with the debt if she had...
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