I have a credit card debt and a student loan debt. The student loan is in an income based payment plan, not defaulted and it's not causing any hardship because I am not paying on it at this time. Payments aren't due until November.
Now, even though I have to list the student loan and the...
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djd started a topic Student loan in a chapter 7 with no intent of hardship discharge adversary hearingin Chapter 7Student loan in a chapter 7 with no intent of hardship discharge adversary hearing
Pro Se Received notices late-missed deadline to object-order granted to take auto.
Tennessee Resident.
Filed Ch 7, Pro Se, on 9/7/10 practically overnite after our Mortgage Lender refused our payments for 2 yrs. Forced us into default, etc. (I had disputed our closing due to major errors etc for 2 yrs). Our house was scheduled to be auctioned on 9/8/10. This has actually...
My 341 (pro se) was this morning!
Southern District of Ohio. Quickly noticed we were about half the age of everyone in the room. Felt a little out of place being so young in there, and without an attorney. lol
We were the only pro se debtors to be seen the entire day. That made me nervous. We got there around an hour early....Last edited by dumpinmydebt; 11-19-2010, 12:50 PM.
Just left 341 Meeting-Filed Pro Se in MD.
I am just writing to share my experience. This website has been very helpful so I thought I'd offer anything that I can. I filed Ch 7 without an attorney in the first week of Oct. I filed pro se because I could not afford the attorney and I believed that I was smart enough to do the right research...
Creditors' matrix -- I did a bad, bad thing
I filed my Chapter 7, the appropriate end to a dismissed Chapter 13, on August 2.
Today I visited my P.O. Box and found that what is no doubt the notification to one of my three creditors was returned -- to ME! -- because there is no such address.
I just consulted my copy...
Chapter 7 Filing Complete!
I filed. Hooray!
There was no line. The office was empty. I took a seat at the counter and watched as the clerk went through my paperwork, stamped this and that, gave me a few informational sheets, proof of filing, and stamped my own copy of the paperwork. No questions, no problems,...
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