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north carolina x

  • Looking for advice LLC with about 600k debt wanting to close down. Options.

    Well I've been trying to post for a few weeks now but so much I want to say that end up procrastinating... live and work in North Carolina.

    I have a failing Small business with about 650k in debt. I keep having to borrow to make it work and just decided to take my life back and stop...
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  • HelpneededNC
    started a topic Need help Pre-BK strategy in NC

    Need help Pre-BK strategy in NC

    I just became unemployed in Oct 2011. I was making $45K and my wife is making $22K but is about to go to grad school in Jan 2012. I have filed for unemployment which is $470 per week/$24440 per year. Not sure if I will get approved or not. I am new to this. We were already getting into financial trouble...
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  • rswarre1954
    started a topic Chapter 13 In the Charlotte NC area

    Chapter 13 In the Charlotte NC area

    I was wondering if anyone here is currently in a chapter 13 in the Charlotte area, NC. I filed back in may of this year and was mainly interested in the trustee, and what to expect in the coming tax season. I will also have a few thousand dollars over my yearly income on my plan and was wondering if...
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  • carmen2010
    started a topic Filed Ch. 13 - North Carolina Payment Info

    Filed Ch. 13 - North Carolina Payment Info

    Hey everyone!

    My lawyer filed a ch. 13 today. I live in the Eastern District of NC.

    My your payments are $936 for 14 months and $733 for 46 months. I have my first payment due July 1.

    For the benefit of filers in NC - you mail your payments. Payroll
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