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life insurance x

  • Is the life insurance policy for my Grandma safe?


    I'd never thought I'd be here searching and reading about this.

    But one questions has been on my mind while I'm thinking/stressing over this bankruptcy situation.

    I'm going to file it, but had a question on a life insurance policy that was given to...
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  • rogue22
    started a topic Life insurance policy benificiary question...

    Life insurance policy benificiary question...

    I have another question in regards to being listed as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy.. My wife is set to inherit money from a life insurance policy that she was listed as one of the beneficiaries. On the prepared paperwork, it states that we can collect the lump sum or put it into a tax deferred...
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  • SweetGeorgia
    started a topic Life Insurance payments and automatic stay

    Life Insurance payments and automatic stay

    So we've been through our own Chapter 7 and I'm trying to get information together to evaluate whether bankruptcy might be an option for my mom.

    The insurance payments are one of her biggest expenses. This is a complicated situation, but just assume that letting the policies die isn't...
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  • sore1ste
    started a topic Life Insurance Beneficiary

    Life Insurance Beneficiary

    I and my wife are currently in Chapter 13. I have two life insurance policies, and my wife is the beneficiary on each. If I die during chapter 13 (not completely unlikely since I'm approaching retirement age) will she be able to keep the payoffs from the two policies or will they get sucked up by...
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  • Will they ask for more info on Life Insurance premium?

    My husband applied for life insurance and we gave information to the attorney regarding value and monthly payment ($129 a month, since he's high risk) We have not yet filed. Now we have received notice that he was turned down for the insurance, and have received the $129 back. Will the court look...
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