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  • HOA comes after me after the discharge

    When I filed for Ch 7 in February I also included the HOA bill for 2011 for $374.00. On July 7th I got the Discharge and now I got a new bill from HOA, nicely prorated and with late fees and all, for $332. 61.

    My question is obvious: wasn't all this bill discharged? Is this an abuse...
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  • bruce2010
    started a topic HOA (Collection Agency) Fees in Chapter 7

    HOA (Collection Agency) Fees in Chapter 7

    This is my first post on the forum, so my apologies if this isn't the correct category for this post. That being said, I did search the forum for my particular situation and didn't see anything, so I'm asking here:

    I just received my Chapter 7 discharge, which is great. The problem however,...
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  • AC135
    started a topic REAL close to the maximum unsecured debt limits

    REAL close to the maximum unsecured debt limits

    I am really really close to the unsecured debt limits for chapter 13 - as a matter of fact - depending upon what document the latest collection agency sent me the numbers (the amount of debt owed) .. is all over the map.
    If I use the last most reasonable doc - I am under the limit.. but they...
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  • How much did it cost for you to file bankruptcy?

    I called last week to apply for Legal Aid (KS low-income legal services) and then today I had the "interview" to determine if they could represent me for my bankruptcy. I will be filing Chapter 7.

    She told me that it would cost $1065. That does include the $299 filing fee but...
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