We filed chapter 7 BK in 2/2011, our debt was discharged in 6/2011. Our case finally closed in 12/2013 because our trustee died and they had to assign the case to another trustee which took time to get him up to speed, pay our creditors and finally close our case.
We had several...
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bk2011 started a topic Discharged debt 2/2011 from BOA, OCWEN is trying to collect and report on creditin Chapter 7Discharged debt 2/2011 from BOA, OCWEN is trying to collect and report on credit
How long b4 ch13 is off the cr?
If this has been thoroughly answered elsewhere, my apologies. I completed a 5yr 100% ch13 with discharge in Oct. 2012. Filing date was Aug 2007. The last time I checked my scores, they were pretty good, but the BK was still showing. I read that the BK will come off the reports 7 yrs after filing for...
Mortgage Reporting on Credit Report
Before BK, there was a RELS Reporting Service that kept making hard inquiries on my credit report. I was told that they were from the mortgage company. Once I filed for BK, RELS stopped making hard inquires. After the discharge, I decided to do a short sale on my home (that was surrendered during...
Credit Report - After BK7
Hello BKForum,
I need a little help please. I filed for Chapter 7 BK in June 2010. My BK was discharged without any issues.
The only problem that I have is that I'm not sure as to what the discharged debt status is suppose to state. I've researched on this site and...
Student Loan Co-Signer, who filed Chapter 13.
I co-signed my daughter’s private student loans in 2003-06, and have paid on the loans since day 1. My daughter graduated in 2007, and has been paying the loans on-time ever since graduation. I lost my job in 2008, and filed Chapter 13 in April 2009.
As of June 22nd, 2011, we just found...
How long can these score killers remain on your credit reports?
May 2, 2011
So you’ve made some credit mistakes. With over 35% of the population scoring below 650 on the FICO scoring scale, you’re certainly not alone. But now that you’ve made the mistake, how long are you going to have to live with it?
Each and every negative...
After BK 13 Completion - when/How does it get updated on my credit report?
Last week my BK 13 status changed to complete and a closed date was assigned for 1/6/2011. YIPEEE
Few questions:
1) How long until the big 3 (EQ, Experian, Trans . . ) are updated that my BK is closed?
2) How will I know my credit reports have been updated...
Need some help regarding how house is reported
Filed Ch 7 in 2008. House was included - did not reaffirm.
1)Original mortgage reported correctly
2)Note then sold to new company (xyz)
3)Then we did a short sale
My problem is the new company (xyz) is reporting the note as "sold"...
WOW - That was fast!
Filed 11-29-10. Hit the credit bureaus on 12-3-10! LESS than a week. Holy Cow
Questions about my car loan which was re-affirmed -- how should it appear on credit
I pulled my transunion report today and even though my Honda loan was reaffirmed in my Ch7 (discharged in May 2010), it is showing up as an Adverse Account with a remark: >Chapter 7 bankruptcy<
Is that the way it should be reported? We actually traded this...
Negative reporting after automatic stay...
Hi All ~
I'll try to keep this brief. I filed Chapter 7 in April and was discharged at the end of July without incident.
About half of my creditors reported "ND" (no data, or blank) on my credit report following my filing date. The other half continued to report...
The Seven year period of bankruptcy...
My bankruptcy was filed in 2005 and discharged in 2007. When did the 7 year mark of ch.7 start, in 2005 at filing or 2007 with discharge? I was just curious.
do credit report indicate when im discharged?
Will my credit report say when my chapter 7 is discharged? after the discharge will my account and bk get updated to a different status?
Best way to obtain credit reports - with score
What is the best service to subscribe to in order to be able to check all 3 credit reports and obtain a score. Interested in monitoring this info over the next year, maybe more.
Looking for the most economical service, but still able to obtain the scores. I do not really want ID theft...
Employment Background, Criminal & Credit Checks-What's in them
I was recently offered a position with a large, national financial corporation, and requested a copy of their background, criminal and credit investigation on me for employment purposes. Here's what is contained in the report. The report was prepared by a very large national data services provider,...
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