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collection agency x

  • 2nd mortgage Chase - charged off and sent to Real Time Solutions Debt Collector bk7

    Not sure of where to put this. I'm post bk7, 2009 and current on my 1st mortgage which was modified by Chase and living in house. Tried to modify 2nd mortgage but it was charged off by Chase because I didnt make a payment in a year and now sent to this debt collector. I now plan...
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  • endee
    started a topic NSF check to collection agency

    NSF check to collection agency

    I caved to the collection agency and gave them my bank account info over the phone and post dated a check. I told them there was only like a 20 % chance of actually having the money in the account when the check date was due. I know now how dumb this was. So I wasn't able to get the money in time...
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    started a topic Message from a debt collector and debtor

    Message from a debt collector and debtor

    I'd just like to clear a few things up. 1st all collectors are not morons, althought after being screamed at sworn at called every name in the book for 8 hours straight I do sometimes feel a few brain cells lighter. I want to help some of the people here b/c honestly as both someone who has debts of...
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