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Last Activity: 08-29-2024, 11:20 AM
Joined: 08-28-2024
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  • Epch13
    started a topic New to chapter 13

    New to chapter 13

    Planning on fileing for chapter 13 and from my understanding you stop paying your unsecured debt. With the money that you were paying the credit cards / loans what do you do with it?

    My co worker who went through chapter 13 summed it up as you just keep it in your bank account and hold...
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  • Epch13
    started a topic Facing chapter 13

    Facing chapter 13

    Heres my situation I make about 100-104k in income (15-20 hours of overtime)

    I have a 26k truck loan and 76k in unsecured debt of credit cards and personal loans.

    with the amount of disposable
    income being roughly 2,000$ after my budget & truck loan.

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