BKForum Suggestions:
Since our inception in 2003, we have grown immensely since then. We have been keeping the site up-to-date with current virtual community technologies. We have upgraded our dedicated servers several times over the years.
We have had over 500,000 US visitors in 2008.
We then received over 1 million US visitors in 2009.
We will have beat that record in 2010.
Now its that time of the year. We are looking for suggestions to grow BKForum bigger, 10 times bigger.
Do you have any good idea on how to grow BKF? Please post your suggestion in this thread.
I can't promise that every suggestion will be accommodated, however, we will definitely consider them.
Since our inception in 2003, we have grown immensely since then. We have been keeping the site up-to-date with current virtual community technologies. We have upgraded our dedicated servers several times over the years.
We have had over 500,000 US visitors in 2008.
We then received over 1 million US visitors in 2009.
We will have beat that record in 2010.
Now its that time of the year. We are looking for suggestions to grow BKForum bigger, 10 times bigger.
Do you have any good idea on how to grow BKF? Please post your suggestion in this thread.
I can't promise that every suggestion will be accommodated, however, we will definitely consider them.