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Hey! I didn't want to hijack the other thread but wanted to see how you are. Did you fall today? How did you injure your back? I'm glad you are ok, we need you here
Hi MD. Thank you for asking. I seem to be okay, though it was scary at first. I just *hurt*. 'Hub and I went to visit his brother in Tennessee, for a couple of days. Then we went to Dayton, OH. 'Hub is a long term (40+ years) of the NCR Corporation, which was headquartered in Dayton, Ohio until last year. We went to visit all of the places he knew as an apprentice and new hire in 1962, and for most of his career, whenever he had to go through training on a product, it was held in Dayton, or their school in Miamisburg. Sadly most of that is now gone.
We went to the local cemetery and started taking a tour of the notable grave-sites there. We had just finished looking at one mausoleum and were walking back to the car. 'Hub went ahead first, and I followed. This mausoleum was located on a hill, and as I walked down, my shoes slipped on the remnants of icy snow on the ground, and down I went. The seat of my khaki pants now have skid marks on them, but I really hit the ground with the middle of my back, in the vicinity of thoracic vertebrae 8. I got up and made my way to the car, but the wind had been knocked out of me and I had a hard time breathing because of the pain.
We went immediately to the emergency room where I spent the rest of the afternoon. I was diagnosed with a 10% compression of T8, but the doctors cannot really say if this was an old injury, or if it is the result of my fall today. I think it could be an old injury, and my fall today has hurt my muscles and everything in that area. I was given a CD with my x-rays and CT scan to take home to our local doctor.
What really scared both of us is the fact that in 1996, I had a spinal fusion of vertebraes L3 through S1, and I still have the hardware. We were scared that I had damaged that. We also were scared because I am a prime candidate for Osteoporosis, as every female close to me have had it. So this compression of T8 could be an old injury, or it could be new from today. My 1996 Spinal Fusion was the result of an old injury from 1967.
So, so far, I am okay--just in some pain. I am sure my back will be in 'living technicolor' tomorrow.
Of concern also is the fact that I have BCBS catastrophic insurance policy, with the rest covered by my Health Savings Account. I am not sure what this policy will cover because there is a huge deductible, AND there is a rider in place that excludes the spinal fusion. Whether the policy covers any other part of my back, will be learned later on when Miami Valley Hospital submits their claims.
Thanks again!
"To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."
"Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."
Back pain sucks! Get better quickly AC and I am so glad they gave you copies of your imaging to take to your regular doctor!! Sending a little 'knee mail' on your behalf. <3
~~ Filed Over Median Income Chapter 7: 12/17/2010 ~~ 341 Held: 1/12/2011 ~~ Discharged: 03/16/2011 ~~
AngelinaCat, We are keeping you in our prayers for a speedy and full recovery from your fall. Your kindness and friendship to the many on this forum (and I am sure elsewhere) is greatly appreciated. Hope you feel better soon.
Filed and Family
Angelina, I hope you will get better soon! I'm thinking the initial imaging at the ER would have revealed more problems...and if you are not feeling any worse, hopefully that's good news!!!
Mrs. is doing far better than I expected her to. There are no visible bruises at that site this morning. I thing she strained or sprained her back muscles. She is on some sort of pretty good meds so it is hard to tell how her pain is. It is an oxycodone stuff so she's feeling pretty good. We will see when she reduces them this afternoon. As she said, it was nothing to guess about so right to the ER. Kinda ruined the day but the out turn is good. 'Hub
If I knew it all, would I be here??Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.
Hub, Glad to hear Mrs. ACH is doing well! Are you still in OH? It was strange reading the Mrs. above post, because I think my mother worked at NCR, I think it would have been back in '54 or'55, I think. We also lived in the Dayton area (Centerville), during the mid "90s. We had a Disc Jockey business, and so we were all over the place there, lol. Best wishes for AC's speedy recovery.
So glad AC is doing better. I bet you are taking great care of her.
Take care of each other as I know you do!!
Hub, I bet she "gushes" over you with love too.
filed: 8/10 ...341:10/8/10 ... Discharged & Close: 12/9/10
"Nothing is easy to the unwilling" Thomas Fuller
I'm sorry to hear about the incident and the resulting back pain. I will pray for your recovery. Just keep resting and of course, don't strain yourself.
Thank you for your concern and prayers. I believe that they truly worked.
For the most part, I have had very little pain today, and am able to move about mostly as normal. Of course there are some times that I move from one side or the other, or twist in a way that reminds me that: "Hey, Stupid, you had a fall yesterday!!!"
I just need to watch where I walk and how I do it for the next week or so, and I think I will be fine.
This fall was a *nasty* shock, and a reminder that my 59 year old body does NOT match my 20 year-old mind-set.
Thanks again!
"To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."
"Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."