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Did anyone's weight increase as their debt increased?

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    Did anyone's weight increase as their debt increased?

    Now that i finally decided to file BK, I am looking at my whole life, and I realize that my weight gain started when my credit card debt started becoming unmanageable.

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    I have a plan for the debt, but no specific plan for the weight. I'm terrified that I've mentally made some sort of lifestyle change that will be very hard to get out of, especially with the stress of trying to save up the funds to file and the entire waiting process after that.

    Hi APL: I don't know that his will help, but it sounds like you react to stress by having the 'munchies'. If you can replace the munchies (Cheetos, pretzels, chex-snaks, peanuts, etc.) ...and I'm not saying that you are munching these things.... with something like an apple, or cut up fruit, or a yogurt cup, that might help.

    Is that not a run-on sentence, or what??? Good luck!
    "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

    "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


      What I found happened is not the "munchies," but eating cheaper things like lots of baked potatoes, rice, beans, etc. They put on the pounds. Plus, I have also read that when your body is stressed it releases cortisol and that causes you to gain weight--especially around the midsection.
      It makes sense. Worries over debt can't be good for health in general and a limited diet can only contribute to weight gain.


        Originally posted by fiona View Post
        when your body is stressed it releases cortisol and that causes you to gain weight
        On yes, that wonderful stress hormone. It will wreak havoc on your body, including gaining weight and not being able to sleep.

        Life does get better......
        All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
        Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


          Ha, APL, boy did I pack on the fat cells during my downward spiral!

          Part of it was due to not working and laying around the house stuffing my face, and part of it was stress eating.

          However, on a positive note, I've lost 27 pounds this year, mostly due to making the right food choices and accepting the fact that I am broke and surrendering to bankruptcy.

          It's amazing how once you decide to restructure or restart your life (for the better) everything else seems to fall into place. I was going through clothes last night and I fit into some stuff that I haven't been able to wear for 5 years (and thank God for that because a new wardrobe just isn't in the budget).
          Chapter 7 Filed: 04/21/2011, 341 Meeting: 05/31/2011, Report of No Distrubution: 06/02/2011, Discharged: 08/03/2011, Closed: 08/10/11


            I think the overspending and overeating are both a part of the same psychological package in my case. I'm an all or nothing person, easily fascinated and obsessive about food, clothes, the list goes on and on. I'm not sure if it's an OCD or a bipolar/manic thing, but moderation does not appear to be my bag. Thankfully I don't like the taste of most alcohol, don't do drugs, and don't smoke. You can bet I'd go all out if I did! On a positive note, I'm the same way about organization, remodeling, keeping my things nice and neat and making sure my kids do what they're supposed to do. It's not all bad, but I wish someone had taken my spending abilities away years ago!
            Filed 1/31/11 341 3/2/11 Waiting for discharge........


              APL, that is for sure.
              I am looking at my whole life, and I realize that my weight gain started when my credit card debt started becoming unmanageable.
              Between quitting cigarettes 7 years ago, my debt mountain and my eventual bk, I've managed to pack on 50 lbs. I've often thought, why can't I at least be one of those lucky people, who when they feel stressed out or depressed that they cannot eat much and they lose :-)

              And some people will probably beg to differ, but I think that cost cutting diets and healthy low calorie/carb diets are mutually exclusive.


                I can relate to so much in many of these replies - and like Lily, oh how I wish I was one of those people who lost weight when I was stressed/worried.

                I never even thought about what Fiona said... ever since all my "disposable" income started going to meet my credit card minimum payments, I've been a vegetarian, and not the good kind. Lots of $.39 macaroni and cheese from Aldi, instant mashed potatoes, toast made from crappy bread that costs $.99 a loaf. Food was the only place left to cut expenses.

                Note to Jacey: your little puffball of a pup is such a cutie!


                  APL - a side note on ALDI - tried it 2 weeks ago - great on some things, but their hamburger - while cheap - is virtually all water/fat/oil and tastes like...fill in the blank.

                  Since seeing BK atty - I have a constant nervous ache in my "stomach." Don't eat that much...since filing I feel like I'm almost "bi-polar." The more nervous I get the less I eat...


                    It may be possible that the weight may be increase, because due to the stressful mind, hormonal activity increases, and also there is a fact that, people eat more when they are in stress.
                    commercial property insurance


                      I actually lost about 15 pounds in the year prior to our filing date due due stress and running around as to my job, teenager at home, house, etc. I was the only working spouse as my hubby lost his job and I went crazy trying to keep things afloat for about 10 months. Plus we stopped buying a lot of snacks, eating out, etc. and that had an effect on us all. Stress/change affects people in different ways....some eat more/less, some start smoking, others take on a hobby or other interest to avoid coping with the situation, etc.
                      Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
                      Early Buy-Out: April 2006
                      Discharge: August 2006

                      "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


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