Originally posted by jane taylor
Makes me think of Oprah!!
She's the first one to complain about how things are handled in the South, but when she goes to do a big charitable donation event, where does she go??!!
And Oprah was raised in Mississippi or some such place in the deep south. You'd think she coulda done the same thing in Louisianna or Alabama or such. But NOOOOOOoooooooo We gotta go to AFRICA!! Cause AFRICA is glamorous where deep south USA isn't. Blech!
Don't get me wrong. It's her money. She can spend it however she wants. But excuse me, let's not talk outa both sides of our mouth. Let's not complain about the circumstances of people here in the US and then go and do for people in Africa. There are starving kids, kids in need of medical attention, illiterate kids right here in our own backyard. Let's feed them first. Let's treat them first. Let's educate them first. Then we can minister to the rest of the world.
Whoopie Goldberg was really kewl after the hurricanes. She didn't just write a check and fell all warm and gooey inside. She went there to see what was needed. People needed water and food. Whoopie bought water and food. People needed shelter. Whoopie bought tents. Whatever people needed, the Whoopster bought. Now that's a lady after my own heart!!