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How do you keep your chin up when going through all this???

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    When I first came here and was still trying to figure out what the heck I was going to do I was just a spinning top of anxiety every day. I would be completely wrung out by evening. It took months of reading peoples stories, learning more about my options and putting a plan into action before I started to feel a sense of calm. I had to accept where I was going in order to get there without going insane. Once I understood and made my peace with all of it - losing the house, filing bk, and the long road I will be on to establishing credit again, I started to feel like I could be strong and face it.

    This week when I went to meet with and pay the attorney I felt so much different being there than I did back in Sept when I first met with him. I am sure of what I am doing and confident that it is the best decision. I also know from reading so much here what I am getting myself into and how it is all likely to go down.

    It also helps if you have a few people IRL that you can talk to about it and know what you are going through. My folks, my brothers and bff all know. I talk to them often and even though they don't have any advice, it is nice that they are there to listen.
    Stopped paying 8/2010, Filed 2/2011, 341 3/2011 done, Report of no distribution . . . Discharged & Closed 5/2011!


      I had a hip replace in 07, lost everything was in pain for a long time had nothing to live for but God&Music. I sold must og my guitar go two , got work, learning to build guitar it does get better .I am about to get a Bk lawyer to start my new life.hang in there one day at a time.


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          Originally posted by october99 View Post
          When I first came here and was still trying to figure out what the heck I was going to do I was just a spinning top of anxiety every day. I would be completely wrung out by evening. It took months of reading peoples stories, learning more about my options and putting a plan into action before I started to feel a sense of calm. I had to accept where I was going in order to get there without going insane. Once I understood and made my peace with all of it - losing the house, filing bk, and the long road I will be on to establishing credit again, I started to feel like I could be strong and face it.

          This week when I went to meet with and pay the attorney I felt so much different being there than I did back in Sept when I first met with him. I am sure of what I am doing and confident that it is the best decision. I also know from reading so much here what I am getting myself into and how it is all likely to go down.

          It also helps if you have a few people IRL that you can talk to about it and know what you are going through. My folks, my brothers and bff all know. I talk to them often and even though they don't have any advice, it is nice that they are there to listen.
          This quote makes me think about how many times someone has warned me about filing bk or a bunch of other things I have done. e.g.

          1. If you file bk, you will have a bad credit history that will follow you
          2. You will have a hard time finding a job
          3. Your foreclosure and bk will make it hard for you to rent a new place
          4. What you did in 3rd grade will go on your permanent record ahahahahahahah

          What bugs me about this is how I don't have a choice in making these decisions. If I didn't file bk, I would have just used up my remaining amount of money trying to catch up with my payments and then I would have run out and then I would be flat broke and really deep in debt. Foreclosure was necessary as I was running out of money trying to keep up with the loan and borrowing from credit lines.

          So sometimes you just have to survive and worry about the consequences later. e.g. I know this will haunt me when I apply for jobs, I know it will haunt me when I try to rent up ahead. But what other choice do I have???


            I pray , and found things that was fun. Stop telling everyone your doing a Bk everybody want to give you advice which is mostly wrong. A Bk does not hurt you getting a job a less your are working for a Bank or wall street , and a few more area. Some places yes it will be harder to rent it does hurt your credit, but look to build up. Save more cash, start working out,dancing eating better ,go so people you care about. I had a very painful hip replace something went wrong with so it took a year to recover and I get to do it again with the right hip. But I got faith I went to a online business lose 40 pound,get marry or a least a boyfriend


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