Originally posted by msm859
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With all of that said, junk food is still legal in this country. If you really want people to be healthy, just ban it. But that's not Bloombergs of this world want: we'll point the finger at you - it's oh-so-shameful what you're eating - so we'll teach you by taxing the heck out of you.
Hogwash. Plain and simple. Never worked and never will. Ask Bloomberg how much he's losing in taxes yearly after they bumped up a pack of cigarettes to $10 - now close to $15. Ask small businesses, local bodegas and grocery stores about their losses and sufferings. How much is lost on taxes there...no one wants to discuss that part of the picture.
Taxes do not work as a deterrent. Because people find their way around them. Always. Period.
Smokers have become a minority for several reasons, and the combination of science and technology was probably the biggest factor. The ability to see the picture of one's lungs after 30 years of smoking is scary to anyone.
Mind you, I'm still smoking...

But don't worry since you won't be paying for my nasty habit...got one of those "Cadillac" healthcare plans that Obama wants to tax to death so he could subsidize everyone else's healthcare...
Good luck to us all.