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Jobless and hopeless in America

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    Originally posted by jacko View Post
    In the meantime, they clog up the ER's with the cost borne by the tax payers and higher insurance costs. At least with the obesity tax, will help defray the costs and the beginning of modifying ones eating behavior the same way the tobacco tax reduced the consumption over time.

    I am with you trust me! I just feel they should be taxed directly in the form of higher insurance premiums with private insurance or "slam the door" on them with public funds!

    I don't agree with tobacco, beer, micky dees or twinky taxes.

    Some feel the taxpayer should continue to pay, others feel the "rich" should pay, but I feel those that engage in their own unhealthy habits should pay. We already do this with auto insurance. Why stop there???
    The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of Government


      Originally posted by banca rotta View Post
      but I feel those that engage in their own unhealthy habits should pay. We already do this with auto insurance. Why stop there???
      Excellent train of thoughts...

      Allowing insurance companies to compete with healthcare offerings across the state lines in the same manner that auto and homeowner insurance is sold would also bring the overall cost of healthcare down...

      Good luck.
      No person in their right mind files a Ch. 13 with lien strip pro se. I have.Therefore, please consider me insane and clinically certifiable when reading my posts, and DO NOT take them as legal advice of any kind.Thank you.


        however, how do we insure the poor and the unemployed????

        where is that money going to come from??

        and now, with all those 99ers' running out of money and any step is welfare and medicaid!! what then???
        8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


          Originally posted by tobee43 View Post
          however, how do we insure the poor and the unemployed????

          where is that money going to come from??

          and now, with all those 99ers' running out of money and any step is welfare and medicaid!! what then???
          I agree with tobee. I think there are some basic elements we as a society should provide for those who are the poorest and struggling, and that is basic food, basic healthcare, and basic shelter. Nothing fancy, just the basics to survive on this Earth.

          For those who are unemployed and looking, they need the basic UI extensions to meet the minimum poverty levels until they can find work. Since we all agree there is a 17.5% plus unemployment rate and plain and simple not nearly enough jobs to supply to those who are looking, until this gets better, the government must supply this minimum standard.

          Eventually things will get better and the unemployed can happily and proudly contribute to the economy as they have done for many years in their lives.

          I have only had health insurance for probably 3 months out of the last 10 years. So I expect I will probably die 5-10 years earlier than I would have, had I been able to get health insurance. This is a sad fact, but I can't control what I can't control. I am not even *****ing right now about lack of health insurance, I simply want to get back to work and make a decent living again, just to pay for that roof, food, and basic expenses. Nothing fancy, just surviving. Then I would like to put a little away for the next time I may be unemployed again. Perhaps one day I can actually have health insurance and even put money away into a 401k like normal people.


            While some of you may consider me a dinosaur i only ask, what did people do 100 years ago??? They didn't have any of this.

            I consider the "govt freebees" a destroyer of our free market system, hence look at all of the unemployment today. Look at all of the bankrupt governments.

            It's true that some will be saved by all of the programs, but what did we really gain when the whole thing comes crashing down?

            The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of Government


              Originally posted by banca rotta View Post
              While some of you may consider me a dinosaur i only ask, what did people do 100 years ago??? They didn't have any of this.

              I consider the "govt freebees" a destroyer of our free market system, hence look at all of the unemployment today. Look at all of the bankrupt governments.

              It's true that some will be saved by all of the programs, but what did we really gain when the whole thing comes crashing down?

              100 years ago it didn't cost 4.79 for a loaf of rye bread.....although most of the women cooked and stayed home and baked....LOL!!

              i remember my dad made $75 a week and we were upper middle class...i guess the reason is the cost of goods has gotten so out of hand due to the greed of the owner of all the major corp....

              i for one would have no problem having lived 100 years ago..and i agree, the destruction of our free market system ...not just by our government alone, but by the greed that drives this country and actually the world.

              i for one have always thought...and prehaps it's just for me a basic philosophy ......but the TRUE state of any country is the way they treat their poor and elderly....and so much for us.

              i was talking to my daughter today...and she's a young professional...saying all this spending must stop! when i told her the state we are collecting our pensions from is now talking about eliminating our cost of living increases...which we haven 't gotten one in 3 years....she responded......DEAL with IT!!

              i told her..i was going to...i will be promptly moving in with her! LOL gas was 79 cents a gallon when we starting rec'ing our pension....and what are we suppose to do when a gallon goes up to $6 a gallon....her reply....get a job! ....i tried to explain my masters didn't help getting me a job at walmart and if she can direct me to a job i'm able to do..i'm ready....

              get the spare room ready....or start sending me my "elder" allowance....shoot Lord knows we did during her childhood and college days......ahhhhhhhhh what mess

              she also expressed that they don't expect anything from anyone...entilements....ROFL!!!!! that's because we already gave them to her!
              8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


                Originally posted by helpme2010 View Post
                I agree with tobee. I think there are some basic elements we as a society should provide for those who are the poorest and struggling, and that is basic food, basic healthcare, and basic shelter. Nothing fancy, just the basics to survive on this Earth.

                For those who are unemployed and looking, they need the basic UI extensions to meet the minimum poverty levels until they can find work. Since we all agree there is a 17.5% plus unemployment rate and plain and simple not nearly enough jobs to supply to those who are looking, until this gets better, the government must supply this minimum standard.

                Eventually things will get better and the unemployed can happily and proudly contribute to the economy as they have done for many years in their lives.

                I have only had health insurance for probably 3 months out of the last 10 years. So I expect I will probably die 5-10 years earlier than I would have, had I been able to get health insurance. This is a sad fact, but I can't control what I can't control. I am not even *****ing right now about lack of health insurance, I simply want to get back to work and make a decent living again, just to pay for that roof, food, and basic expenses. Nothing fancy, just surviving. Then I would like to put a little away for the next time I may be unemployed again. Perhaps one day I can actually have health insurance and even put money away into a 401k like normal people.

                helpme...i have hope and faith for you...i know you will make it....i'm not sure yet how..but you will!!
                8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


                  hey! I stay home and bake our own bread! lol


                    Originally posted by lovemybugs10 View Post
                    hey! I stay home and bake our own bread! lol
                    LOL!!!!!!! i can cook..but baking is NOT me...i always mess up the yeast thingy....actually i love to cook...not eat so much but cooking i love!
                    8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


                      I love both. love it. eating it too. Dang thing about that is I don't love to exercise.


                        The thing about a hundred years ago is that people didn't live so long either. THAT makes a big difference in health care costs, nursing home costs, etc. And people shared and took care of each other. In my last job, it was dog eat dog. Awful environment. Even with the economy, I was glad to be laid off from there. Things were way different 100 years ago.


                          It also wasn't the expectation that someone else would pay your way until death.

                          Social security wasn't set up to be a "for everyone" program. It was means tested, just like wic, food stamps, etc. and it should be again.


                            PS. Discouraged- Ugh, I am missing the 50's from last week. At least the snow has finally stopped though; maybe now they can catch up on the roads!

                            Edit: Is that creepy? If so, sorry. I just noticed you were in the same city and state as I am.
                            Last edited by lovemybugs10; 02-21-2011, 04:49 PM.


                              Originally posted by tobee43 View Post
                              oh yes, nj also...shoot we were charged on much of the foods....also California...
                              California does NOT charge tax on food bought at a grocery store.
                              I too agree that we should tax junk food, fast food, alcohol and tobacco to help offset the increased medical costs we will all end up paying for people who over indulge in those life styles.


                                Originally posted by msm859 View Post
                                California does NOT charge tax on food bought at a grocery store.
                                I too agree that we should tax junk food, fast food, alcohol and tobacco to help offset the increased medical costs we will all end up paying for people who over indulge in those life styles.
                                I think that's kind of ridiculous. Junk food doesn't always equal higher cost in medical. I shouldn't have to pay 6 bucks for my rare package of Oreos. (I buy almost all organic and make most of our meals from scratch. There are very few processed foods in my house, ever)

                                Flat tax and medical care for people that pass the means test. Problem solved. You are welcome.


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