Originally posted by backtoschool
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"a minimum standard of living"
"a safety net"
"fair pay"
"reasonable medical care"
I am not against anyone having anything, but they should pay for it, not ME, not the rich, nobody else.
I believe in Freedom, part of freedom is the freedom to fail, we should not punish people when they fail, but neither should
we take the income from others to mitigate their failure.
Here is one thing we agree on... the policies of the Bush era were a failure. Bush was too much like Obama in almost every respect
other than security and tax cuts. He expanded the department of education, expanded medicare, and generally started the ball rolling down the slope of destruction that the progressives in congress want to see continued. Bush was a progressive as far as I am concerned, and a republican theif is no better than a democrat thief.
The only question that matters to me is this: "Is one person entitled to have money taken from another to pay thier expenses?"
I say no, I think others say yes, you have a claim on the money of others because of need. I believe in ownership, including the right to the fruits of one's labor. Others believe that is someone needs something more, they have a superior claim to the person who sacrificed to get it.
Now, I do have a problem with the gap between the haves and have nots. I think that is being created by government though, not by the free market. In a truly free market where the government did not prop up large companies, the profits of companies would go to shareholders not the managers running the companies. Shareholders are getting screwed, taxpayers are getting screwed, and the government is helping to reinforce this by giving money to big business to bail them out, while small businesses are suffering under the burdens of the government.
Does walmart suffer when Obamacare forces them to produce 1099s for everything they buy? No, they can afford an army of accountants, it is the small businessman that suffers. Does exxon suffer when the government puts out new environmental regulations? No, it helps exxon because it is too burdensome for new competition to come in and compete. Everything the Bush administration and Obama administration is doing is favoring big business and the wealthy over the poor. I know that seems contradictory, but look at the economies of Europe and the socialist places, big businesses prosper, they can afford to provide health care while startups cannot afford it and the other regulatory burdens of a socialist welfare state. The middle class would be best served by smaller government, more local government, and lower taxes and less welfare state, not by more.
We continually increase regulation in this country, which favors large business and the wealthy that can afford it, to the detriment of small businesses and those who might compete if given a chance. We are getting screwed over by big government, republican and democrat because we refuse to stand up for freedom. Instead too many want the government to steal for them. In the process of stealing for them, they are taking their cut. You can't trust a thief, whether they are wanting to steal from the rich to give to the poor (Obama adminstration) or steal from us all to give to big business (Bush administration and Obama too). We need to restore property rights (including the right of shareholders to stop unreasonable compensation to managers) and the right of people to keep what they earn and not have to support others like leaches on the backs of the productive. Until we can stand up and accept that we lived above our means for so long (since 1980 or longer) we will have many among us wanting the governement to steal for them to keep their bloated standard of living up. Morality is gone among many, who favor comfort and the stolen goods of others above freedom.