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The "old-timers Lounge

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    The "old-timers Lounge


    To all who have survived bankruptcy!!!
    To all whose case have been discharged and closed!
    To all whose cases are discharge BUT still being held open for one reason or another by a Trustee.
    To all those in Chapter 13 who are gonna be around for the next 3-5 years.....

    Welcome to our TALK PAGE.........

    Pull up a chair, prop your feet up, have a cool brew of some sort, and tell us about your life NOW - AFTER all the fear and struggles of going thru bankrutpy....

    Was your decision to file a good one?
    Did you do the right thing for you at that time?
    Did you come out smelling like a rose?
    Or did the Trustee "clean your clock" and "line his pockets"?
    Did you have a good attorney?
    Has your lifestyle changed completely?
    Are you very carefully about credit now and limit yourself?

    Did you enjoy Bkfiler's FANTASTIC BBQ?

    Add you own suggestions and ideas to this page....


    "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

    My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.

    im a week out of bk and starting to rack up debt already.

    dont worry im gonna pay it off. i pomise. im working on building credit.

    Im not an attorney or a trustee. You cant trust me either though!

    [x] - Done with 341? Join the 60 Day Club! ___________[x] - Im Discharged! Whoo Hooo!
    [x] - Poll: Should I File Pro-Se ____________________[x] - New BK Law: Median Income, Means Testing and Presumptive Abuse
    [x] - Zombie Debt Collectors Dig Up Your Old Mistakes _-[x] - Bankruptcy Law Resource
    [x] - Need A Fast Answer? Available 24/7!--__________[x] - Dont Be A Hero On Your Budget - You Wont Get An Award!


      Let's add 'awaiting discharge' to the list... They are perhaps the ones who have it the worst! Limbo is no fun!

      And, Bkfiler-don't go getting over your head on your Orchard card. Not until after your child support payment clears at least.
      Most of my information is from personal experience or HOURS and HOURS of online research. When you're searching online, keep in mind there is no guarantee that the info is completely up to date, and your situation is unique from anyone else's. Do your homework, and consult with an attorney so you can make an informed decision.


        Those "awaiting discharge" are members of the 60 Day Club till they graduate........
        There should be 4 clubs -

        Newbies thinking about filing....
        New Filers waiting on 341 meeting....
        60 Day Club - waiting on discharge/closing....
        Old Timers Club - filed/341/discharged, closed, Chapter 13's and forever held open by the Trustee cases.

        "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

        My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


          Originally posted by Minnymouth
          60 Day Club - waiting on discharge/closing....

          umm, excuse me... id rather not have the 60 Day Club members be listed as 'waiting on discharge'.

          something isnt quite right about that!

          Im not an attorney or a trustee. You cant trust me either though!

          [x] - Done with 341? Join the 60 Day Club! ___________[x] - Im Discharged! Whoo Hooo!
          [x] - Poll: Should I File Pro-Se ____________________[x] - New BK Law: Median Income, Means Testing and Presumptive Abuse
          [x] - Zombie Debt Collectors Dig Up Your Old Mistakes _-[x] - Bankruptcy Law Resource
          [x] - Need A Fast Answer? Available 24/7!--__________[x] - Dont Be A Hero On Your Budget - You Wont Get An Award!


            Is it not 60 days from 341 meeting to objections and discharge???? That's what I was basing your 60 day club on......

            Any other suggestions......? Am I looking at your 60 - Day club wrong??

            Your own avatar says:

            Done with 341 Meeting? Join the 60 Day Club!

            Last edited by Minnymouth; 02-01-2006, 11:49 AM.

            "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

            My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


              Originally posted by bkfiler
              im a week out of bk and starting to rack up debt already.

              dont worry im gonna pay it off. i pomise. im working on building credit.


              I just maxed my 1st new CC and I haven't even been discharged


                oh man. we are headed for issues! we better study up on the new laws.
                Im not an attorney or a trustee. You cant trust me either though!

                [x] - Done with 341? Join the 60 Day Club! ___________[x] - Im Discharged! Whoo Hooo!
                [x] - Poll: Should I File Pro-Se ____________________[x] - New BK Law: Median Income, Means Testing and Presumptive Abuse
                [x] - Zombie Debt Collectors Dig Up Your Old Mistakes _-[x] - Bankruptcy Law Resource
                [x] - Need A Fast Answer? Available 24/7!--__________[x] - Dont Be A Hero On Your Budget - You Wont Get An Award!


                  Ok you do the homework I'll buy the meat and alcohol for your next BBQ



                    My gray hairs gain me entrance to this club

                    BKF is having issues with the fact he is now "discharged".

                    I bet his pacer bill drops dramatically.

                    No more red eyes!

                    Notice how he's gotten kinda "mouthy" lately? No more sugar coated sweetness from him, he's kinda edgy with his responses. I think it's a case of post-BK depression?



                      Originally posted by Kam

                      My gray hairs gain me entrance to this club

                      BKF is having issues with the fact he is now "discharged".

                      I bet his pacer bill drops dramatically.

                      No more red eyes!

                      Notice how he's gotten kinda "mouthy" lately? No more sugar coated sweetness from him, he's kinda edgy with his responses. I think it's a case of post-BK depression?


                      I think it had something more to do with a drinking binge

                      I want my turn damnit


                        lol @ F-My-O


                          you just seeing that way because i have my avatar flipping the bird to the creditors. its all in your mind.

                          if i put up a pic of me in a thong and high heels you would be singing a different tune. dont make me show you.
                          Im not an attorney or a trustee. You cant trust me either though!

                          [x] - Done with 341? Join the 60 Day Club! ___________[x] - Im Discharged! Whoo Hooo!
                          [x] - Poll: Should I File Pro-Se ____________________[x] - New BK Law: Median Income, Means Testing and Presumptive Abuse
                          [x] - Zombie Debt Collectors Dig Up Your Old Mistakes _-[x] - Bankruptcy Law Resource
                          [x] - Need A Fast Answer? Available 24/7!--__________[x] - Dont Be A Hero On Your Budget - You Wont Get An Award!




                              kam? you dont say much anymore but aaakkk ugggg and gah and <cough> bullsh*t <cough>.

                              you ok or do you need some help honey? i can come on over but make sure your hubby is not there. i want you all to myself
                              Im not an attorney or a trustee. You cant trust me either though!

                              [x] - Done with 341? Join the 60 Day Club! ___________[x] - Im Discharged! Whoo Hooo!
                              [x] - Poll: Should I File Pro-Se ____________________[x] - New BK Law: Median Income, Means Testing and Presumptive Abuse
                              [x] - Zombie Debt Collectors Dig Up Your Old Mistakes _-[x] - Bankruptcy Law Resource
                              [x] - Need A Fast Answer? Available 24/7!--__________[x] - Dont Be A Hero On Your Budget - You Wont Get An Award!


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