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The "old-timers Lounge

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    Have been hanging out here regularly for the last seven months and expect to be here for years to come. Our Ch 13 plan currently is set for 57 months, but since we now have about $2500 of medical bills to pay from my unexpected hospitalization 12 days after we filed (!), that will likely push us to the full 60 months. Thanks to a second mortgage six years ago and a flat housing market, we have less than $15K in house equity. With the way the housing markets are tanking all over the country, there's really no possibility of an early bail out for us. We HAVE to make the remaining 52 months of trustee payments no matter what. That means I'll be hanging out here so long that everyone will be sick to death of me by then!

    Don't know what I'd do without everyone here - you are lifesavers, every single one of you!
    I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

    06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
    06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
    07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
    10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
    01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
    09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
    06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
    08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

    10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
    Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


      Sorrry LRPRN, that's awful. It just seems no matter how hard we try to get ahead sometimes, our higher power has something else in mind for us.

      The housing market is getting worse and worse. I read an article recently that said they expect the housing market to be flat well into 2009.

      There are lots of people in financial trouble right now due to the housing market, ARM's etc.

      It's frightening what is happening in our economy today.

      I'm not an Old-Timer here, but I have been discharged (twice) - hope it's okay to post in the Old Timers Lounge


        Originally posted by bkfiler View Post
        if i put up a pic of me in a thong and high heels you would be singing a different tune. dont make me show you.

        LMAO, i'm curious though, did I miss the thong piccy?
        Filed: 08/09/06
        341: 09/18/06
        Discharged: 11/22/06
        Closed 11/30/06


          lol @ Miss Puff. BK Filer was allllll talk and no show... well except for his pictures of toenail fungus.

          Sigh. I miss BK Filer. His humor helped me along when I really need a good boost.


            Ive been coming here for about 2 years. My medical condition forced me to quit my job, apply for SSD and wait almost 2 years to get approved while in the mean time- we were forced to sell our house and lose money on it, go into severe debt. We moved to another state to start over in every way. So far, its working out. I cannot wait, however, to get out of our BK13.


              wow, been here since October 2004. Discharge will be three years in May. Still got debts though. NO CC DEBT. BK didn't me that hard on ability to buy, not even on loan rates, both cars are at 8%, house 6.9% on refi. It was hard to go through, real hard. Never want to be there again
              "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

              Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


                I was bored ...

                Was your decision to file a good one?

                This time around YOU BET .. last time I filed over 13 years ago at $13,000 in debt WHAT A WASTE .. this year at $65,000 wellllll worth it !

                Did you do the right thing for you at that time?

                Did you come out smelling like a rose?

                I FEEL FREE !

                Or did the Trustee "clean your clock" and "line his pockets"?

                The Trustee WAS going to clean my clock and line his pockets but I got the upper hand!

                Did you have a good attorney?

                FIRST and ONLY consultation the BEST ATTORNEY everrr.

                Has your lifestyle changed completely?

                Just that I don't have credit cards to gamble with, but still love to gamble, but more in control I would say. I cant seem to find anything else I enjoy in my life than THAT ???

                Are you very carefully about credit now and limit yourself?

                I really don't feel I need credit card(s) other than if I need to rent a car in case I get into an accident.

                July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
                Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
                Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
                Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


                  Was your decision to file a good one?
                  Did you do the right thing for you at that time?
                  Did you come out smelling like a rose?
                  Or did the Trustee "clean your clock" and "line his pockets"?
                  Our trusteee was as nice as can be, even played and joked with us and our son!!
                  Did you have a good attorney?
                  Legal Helpers, they were very reasonable, very helpful, and got the job done quick and painless, they were wonderfeul and let you make payment plan to come up with the fee.
                  Has your lifestyle changed completely?
                  No, most of our debt was medical bills, and we still use the doctors just as much, just stay on top of the bills, work out payment plans if needed.
                  Are you very carefully about credit now and limit yourself?
                  Nah not really. Just stay on top of things. We didn't have credit card debt before.

                  Did you enjoy Bkfiler's FANTASTIC BBQ?
                  LOL yes!!!!! Loved all the pics!!!

                  Add you own suggestions and ideas to this page....

                  You all were a wonderful help and thank you for answering all my pesty questions!!!


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