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The "old-timers Lounge

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    heee haaaa heeee snort

    No I am just fine, you are just interrupting my games of spider solitaire! I have to keep my focus you see


      The 60 days is the time from 341 to deadline for objections, right? Discharge can happen after that-but whether it is a day later or a month later depends on the district...
      Most of my information is from personal experience or HOURS and HOURS of online research. When you're searching online, keep in mind there is no guarantee that the info is completely up to date, and your situation is unique from anyone else's. Do your homework, and consult with an attorney so you can make an informed decision.


        Originally posted by StaciMM
        The 60 days is the time from 341 to deadline for objections, right? Discharge can happen after that-but whether it is a day later or a month later depends on the district...

        what are you talking about here? or better yet who are you talking to?
        Im not an attorney or a trustee. You cant trust me either though!

        [x] - Done with 341? Join the 60 Day Club! ___________[x] - Im Discharged! Whoo Hooo!
        [x] - Poll: Should I File Pro-Se ____________________[x] - New BK Law: Median Income, Means Testing and Presumptive Abuse
        [x] - Zombie Debt Collectors Dig Up Your Old Mistakes _-[x] - Bankruptcy Law Resource
        [x] - Need A Fast Answer? Available 24/7!--__________[x] - Dont Be A Hero On Your Budget - You Wont Get An Award!


          Minny had mentioned the 60 day club, and that she thought it was the time from 341 to discharge. You can't really know ahead of time when discharge will happen though, only that it comes AFTER 60 days. So I always figured someone graduates from the 60 Day Club after the deadline for objections.
          Most of my information is from personal experience or HOURS and HOURS of online research. When you're searching online, keep in mind there is no guarantee that the info is completely up to date, and your situation is unique from anyone else's. Do your homework, and consult with an attorney so you can make an informed decision.


            Ok Minny I will answer your questions...

            Yes BK was a good decision
            Yes we had to sweat it out even beyond the 60 days by having to go through a 2004 Exam
            No she didnt line her pockets because we didnt have any assets for her to do that
            Yes our life is less stressful
            and finally,
            We did learn a lot from the experience and even though the root cause for our BK was not due to credit cards we were still in the proverbial financial stranglehold. So, while we do have several low limit credit cards we are paying them on time and in full every month not to mention the fact I have mastered talking myself out of buying things. Both my husband and my mindsets has done a complete 180...
            Best of all I have met(via BK forums) some of the nicest, most compassionate and non-judgemental people at a time when I desperately needed a lifeline It took a big sting out of filing BK and for that I will be eternally grateful.


              Long and Funny!

              Originally posted by Minnymouth

              To all who have survived bankruptcy!!!
              To all whose case have been discharged and closed!
              To all whose cases are discharge BUT still being held open for one reason or another by a Trustee.
              To all those in Chapter 13 who are gonna be around for the next 3-5 years.....

              Welcome to our TALK PAGE.........

              Pull up a chair, prop your feet up, have a cool brew of some sort, and tell us about your life NOW - AFTER all the fear and struggles of going thru bankrutpy....

              Was your decision to file a good one?
              Did you do the right thing for you at that time?
              Did you come out smelling like a rose?
              Or did the Trustee "clean your clock" and "line his pockets"?
              Did you have a good attorney?
              Has your lifestyle changed completely?
              Are you very carefully about credit now and limit yourself?

              Did you enjoy Bkfiler's FANTASTIC BBQ?

              Add you own suggestions and ideas to this page....

              1. It was a good decision, basically the only one left when I got a judgement last summer and freaked out...I knew "they" were coming after me but I did make it for four years undercover!

              2. It was the only thing left to do (file bk)!

              3. Well, I got rid of $50K in cc debt...I don't know about the rose thing though...

              4. The trustee is getting my first income tax return in 15 years (but that's worth having the discharge of $50K against $450.00. His ears perked up at the 2000 4runner but it has more little problems than Carter has they used to say.

              5. My attorney was alright. He's on vacation alot. Hmmm...maybe I should start law school up at Stetson in St. Petersburg at night? Then I could use my intelligence more diligently. And then I could go on vacations, again, in the future, too.

              6. Well, I used to get alimony...that's gone. I used to do more cocaine. Can't afford that. I have been at my present position since November 2004; that's a positive thing...

              7. I don't have anything on credit at this point in my life. I'd really like to have one charge card for emergencies like airplane tickets or for rental cars (they just don't do cash well on either of those needs) i.e. here's a funny story on what happens when you don't have a credit card:

              I was driving up to Madison, WI from Florid with a friend of mine back in Dec. of 2002. We were pulled over for speeding in IL about midnight, doing 100mph in the 4runner. I was not driving as I was on DUI probabtion from Feb. 2002. My friend who was driving had paraphenailia under his seat. I had a TIME magazine with a pot leaf on the cover (it was an article discussing the medicinal properties of the drug), and I was wearing patchuli. Well, you know after they ran my FL tag and DL, they told us those god fearing words,"please step away from the vehicle!" They ransacked the car, found his paraphenailia, put us in two different trooper vehicles to see if our stories matched. My friend ended up going to jail for about three hours, I got a police ride to a Motel 8 outside of Gilman, IL. They took my crown royal which wasn't even opened (bought before the 9p.m. curfew...).

              Let me back up, prior to going to the motel, I went to the police station w/my friend. I paid his $75 bail, with cash, of course, but he couldn't leave with me because their fingerprinting device was out of kilter so they had to take him to another jail for fingerprinting. During that time, they took me and the suitcases to the motel. The car got impounded as I was not allowed to be driving under my probabtion unless it was work related.

              Now, he got to the motel about 5 a.m. We called his attorney in Chicago and he came and picked us up at the motel later in the morning. The car stayed in IL and we got a ride to O'Hare to rent a car...try renting a car in an airport 3 days before Xmas with a debit/check card...even though it says doesn't always work like VISA!

              I just started crying at the counter and finally after the lady had heard what you just read, she put a $300 retainer on the card & gave us a rental. We finally got to Madison, WI and my friend was not able to see his kids (the real reason for the roadtrip). Now, we have just driven 2,000 miles, got arrested and lost a car to IL impound...not in very good humour.

              The next day, we drove back to IL, paid some kid to get the car out of impound as neither of us were to pick it up due to the arrest for paraphenailia and my DUI the rental car back to O'Hare, took back roads out of IL and headed back to Florida.

              Actually stopped at a "real" truck stop in KY? Where it had an endless buffet bar with trucker food...ended up at a weird motel playing pool in the bar due to a snowstorm...and ate at a Fridays type restaurant on Xmas eve while still enroute to FL...

              I was never so happy to return to Florida and I have not left the state since!

              You can only imagine the insaneness of my book, this is only like a 96hour period of a week in my life.

              I limit myself to legal substances these days and don't drive during the time of usage.
              Filed Oct 2005discharged February 2007,Shapeless in the fire's glow, tell me if you think you know,
              Who it was we were below, where we've been and where we go


                Was your decision to file a good one?
                Yes, I think so. We've been trying to pay our bills off for 10 yrs, and finally realized life was not going to get any better for us unless we got rid of our debt burden.

                Did you do the right thing for you at that time?
                Did you come out smelling like a rose?
                No, we are still in stinky-limbo-land.

                Or did the Trustee "clean your clock" and "line his pockets"?
                He's trying, hence the stinky limbo land.

                Did you have a good attorney?
                Well, I think he SUCKS. He's forgotten many things, including to send us another copy of our schedule J or something for us to redo because HE messed it up. And he came recommended, and is a former atty for the trustee, you'd think he would know better! AND he was expensive!!!!

                Has your lifestyle changed completely?
                It's in the process...we are getting there

                Are you very carefully about credit now and limit yourself?
                I am, I have zero credit, but DH is still financially STUPID...


                  Time to revive the Old Timers Club too!


                    hmmm...well I didn't want to be in your old stinky club anyway

                    oh yessssss I really dooooo!!! I hate the "waiting forever 60 day club"
                    9/28/06: Filed Chapter 7
                    10/25/06: 341 meeting Done!
                    12/25/06: Last day for objections.... Dear Santa, can we have a bk discharge for Christmas please?
                    1/12/07: Discharged & closed!!


                      YES, I'M STILL HERE....................... listening, offering suggestions, etc......along with some of the other old timers..................

                      "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

                      My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


                        Originally posted by Minnymouth View Post
                        YES, I'M STILL HERE....................... listening, offering suggestions, etc......along with some of the other old timers..................

                        I don't know how you do it Minny! How often do you check PACER or the courts to follow up on your case? Do you have a lawyer?

                        My posts represent hours of research on and off the web, these forums, my experience, and my opinions.


                          Originally posted by Kam View Post
                          Time to revive the Old Timers Club too!
                          Minny, you started this thread back in February....who qualifies as Old Timers Club member here?
                          I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

                          06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
                          06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
                          07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
                          10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
                          01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
                          09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
                          06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
                          08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

                          10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
                          Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


                            Well, I guess ANYONE that has survived bankruptcy and its basically over for them and some of the old timers thats still in a Chapter 13 and waiting for that 5 year plan to end.........

                            Me, well, I check Pacer once a week to see if trustee has done anything yet......... NOPE, NOT YET...............

                            Yep, have me an attorney to handle my lawsuits........ all of them.

                            But basically can't do a whole lot until the case is closed and everything is done.....

                            Trustee has been dragging his feet 2 1/2 years now...............

                            That's okay, his "day" is coming too.........

                            "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

                            My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


                              I know I'll be here for a spell! Our plan is 60 months with 0% to unsecured. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think if I'd really pushed him we might could have done a Ch.7 with all the medical expenses, etc. I'm hoping we'll be able to get out of this thing in 30 months.

                              We are so much better off now, but it is NOT easy!! The Trustee has been OK and granted our suspension for a couple of months due to medical bills. The paralegal didn't want to fool with it, but I pushed her on it.

                              One bright spot in all of this is this Forum. You guys are awesome!
                              Filed: 2/24/2006
                              341 mtg: 4/4/2006:angel:
                              Discharged: 9/25/08!!!!!:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


                                Member since May '04

                                The information provided is not, and should not be considered legal advice. All information provided is only informational and should be verified by a law practioner whenever possible. When confronted with legal issues contact an experienced attorney in your state who specializes in the area of law most directly called into question by your particular situation.


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