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A fair tax system could be created based on the Constitutional mandates and intent of our founders.
And that's the contradiction that I keep pointing out yet no one listens. At least you get it! True Federalists never wanted Government intrusion, especially from the Federal Government. The Federal Government was never intended to become so large and bloated, but it's a machine and is very efficient at keeping itself running.
I truly wish I had the answers but I don't. I suggested that we start by having Congressmen (Representatives and Senators) stop receiving a salary, and stop allowing lobbyists to woo them. Definitely stop the lobbies from writing legislation!
Anyhow, in a capitalist society, when there is big money and control there for the taking... people will do everything to get more money or more control. The Congressman (or President) who tells you that we need to do all these things in the name of Country, yet their personal lives contradict what "society" is (you know, we guys even in the middle class and certainly the unfortunate lower class)... needs to be voted out this year (2010) and next cycle (2012).
Just say No! Vote: None of the Above 2010.
Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10) Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog
Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.
The tea party blogs are pretty easy to find with a google search in case you need some more places to post this stuff.
Why would I need to post those ideas on a tea party blog? Those people already understand. It's you and your fellow libs I need to work on.
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
And that's the contradiction that I keep pointing out yet no one listens. At least you get it! True Federalists never wanted Government intrusion, especially from the Federal Government. The Federal Government was never intended to become so large and bloated, but it's a machine and is very efficient at keeping itself running.
I truly wish I had the answers but I don't. I suggested that we start by having Congressmen (Representatives and Senators) stop receiving a salary, and stop allowing lobbyists to woo them. Definitely stop the lobbies from writing legislation!
Anyhow, in a capitalist society, when there is big money and control there for the taking... people will do everything to get more money or more control. The Congressman (or President) who tells you that we need to do all these things in the name of Country, yet their personal lives contradict what "society" is (you know, we guys even in the middle class and certainly the unfortunate lower class)... needs to be voted out this year (2010) and next cycle (2012).
Just say No! Vote: None of the Above 2010.
We need to find more people with the hearts and minds of our founders to take back Washington. It's a tough challenge but America has risen to all tough challenges in the past. We'll do it again.
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
Well I have to admit, it's good to see you back on the forum.
Thanks. It's good to see you here as well. It was refreshing to log on and see you and justbroke debating in a thread near and dear to my heart!
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
We need to find more people with the hearts and minds of our founders to take back Washington. It's a tough challenge but America has risen to all tough challenges in the past. We'll do it again.
So we should find a bunch of white, aristocratic, slave-owning men? Seems unlikely we will find those.
You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone. ~~Nate, Six Feet Under
So we should find a bunch of white, aristocratic, slave-owning men? Seems unlikely we will find those.
We already have them. Reid, Pelosi, Obama etal are nothing but "white (mostly), aristocratic (Michelle, "Let Them Eat Cake" Obama) and slave-owning (the poor and unionized are slaves to the democrats).
What we need are people willing to sacrifice for the betterment of our country.
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
And that's the contradiction that I keep pointing out yet no one listens. At least you get it! True Federalists never wanted Government intrusion, especially from the Federal Government. The Federal Government was never intended to become so large and bloated, but it's a machine and is very efficient at keeping itself running.
I truly wish I had the answers but I don't. I suggested that we start by having Congressmen (Representatives and Senators) stop receiving a salary, and stop allowing lobbyists to woo them. Definitely stop the lobbies from writing legislation!
Anyhow, in a capitalist society, when there is big money and control there for the taking... people will do everything to get more money or more control. The Congressman (or President) who tells you that we need to do all these things in the name of Country, yet their personal lives contradict what "society" is (you know, we guys even in the middle class and certainly the unfortunate lower class)... needs to be voted out this year (2010) and next cycle (2012).
Just say No! Vote: None of the Above 2010.
I agree with you Justbroke that big money corrupts. I am just not sure that voting in new people and giving them big money and power will not corrupt them as well.
Controlling the lobbyists would be a start, but no one has the balls to stop that particular gravy train.
"True Federalists" could not foresee the complexity of modern life. I do not believe we can translate their world view into our modern day context.
You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone. ~~Nate, Six Feet Under
We already have them. Reid, Pelosi, Obama etal are nothing but "white (mostly), aristocratic (Michelle, "Let Them Eat Cake" Obama) and slave-owning (the poor and unionized are slaves to the democrats).
What we need are people willing to sacrifice for the betterment of our country.
Obama was raised by a single mother that collected public assistance.
I don't think anyone whose ancestors didn't arrive on the Mayflower (or soon thereafter) can be considered "aristocratic" in this country in the way the founding fathers were aristocratic.
I like the bumpersticker slogan that is the last line of your post. Do you have that on your Prius bumper?
You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone. ~~Nate, Six Feet Under
I agree with you Justbroke that big money corrupts. I am just not sure that voting in new people and giving them big money and power will not corrupt them as well.
Controlling the lobbyists would be a start, but no one has the balls to stop that particular gravy train.
"True Federalists" could not foresee the complexity of modern life. I do not believe we can translate their world view into our modern day context.
Only a liberal might assume that everyone is subject to corruption by money or power. True conservatives have strong moral value systems that don't change based on what they read on the Huffington Post or by being bestowed a position of power.
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
Obama was raised by a single mother that collected public assistance.
I don't think anyone whose ancestors didn't arrive on the Mayflower (or soon thereafter) can be considered "aristocratic" in this country in the way the founding fathers were aristocratic.
I like the bumpersticker slogan that is the last line of your post. Do you have that on your Prius bumper?
It's not a Prius and as soon as my BK is finalized it will be gone. I will never own another hybrid. Period. I love producing carbon emissions.
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
True conservatives have strong moral value systems that don't change based on what they read on the Huffington Post or by being bestowed a position of power.
Politics is tough and will change almost everyone. I knew this person who was on a large city's counsel for years. Everyone wanted him to be mayor and he refused for years stating that the position would corrupt anyone. So, after many years and seeing the city imploding right in front of him, he took the job. After one term in office, he quit. The reason... this position corrupts.
The point was, that he was bombarded, had bribes tossed at him, and accused of everything under the sun. He reasoned that an honest person couldn't do the job. Most politicians feel a need to lie (or hide the truth) from their constituency, and he couldn't do it.
I call that a true believer. There are few left.
Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10) Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog
Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.