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    Ok - you have been mighty quiet lately. All OK?? Just checking in.
    I'll be watching, you may never know when or how, but I'll be there. I am there now....

    He pm'd me a week or 2 ago that he was not going to post anylonger, as he had decided he was not filing BK.
    Most of my information is from personal experience or HOURS and HOURS of online research. When you're searching online, keep in mind there is no guarantee that the info is completely up to date, and your situation is unique from anyone else's. Do your homework, and consult with an attorney so you can make an informed decision.



      Its quite possible that he has left the forum...... of his own choosing..

      Often a poster will "request" that another poster be banned or barred from the forum for one reason or another. Because they request - does not mean that it will "happen"......

      I as a MOD will often"warn" individuals of their actions and that they are not acceptable. If that party does not heed the warnings - then they are temporarily banned from the site.
      If they still proceed with the same attitude - then they are banned permanently...

      If we banned everyone who SPEAKS their mind on the forum - there would be no forum....

      We do however warn someone when they start with uncalled for remarks directed specifically at other members. This would include remarks involving racial slurs, etc. This forum is not racially motivated. EVERYONE claims bankruptcy - it know NO Gender, No Race.......

      This forum is here to help, support, and guide folks thru the bankruptcy process..... without brow-beating, putting down, insulting, or condeming anyone that has claimed BK or planning too in the future.

      Yes we joke around a lot in our General Section of the Forum. That is our get-to-know-each-other section. The venting section, the keep up-to-date section of the Forum.

      If comments in this section become out of line - yes they are warned here also.

      The ONLY BULLY on the forum is ME - AND MY UGLY STICK!!!

      SO..... if you request a member be banned, because you do not like his response - and if he is not you "threaten" to leave the forum.... THEN you leave by your own choice you make....

      We do not ban - to pacify other members - BUT WE DO check into each and every complaint and if then it deems necessary to confront these members - it will BE TAKEN CARE OF......

      BE AWARE - to conduct yourself on this forum in such a way as not to offend others... all joking aside.....

      Joking in fun...... is just that - joking in fun.

      Joking to embarrass, belittle, or insult another member is not done in good taste........ and this too will be dealt with.

      Treat other members like you want to be treated. Like family - we are your brothers and sisters on the forum - we are your best friend - we are going thru bankruptcy with you..................and you with us...............


      My thoughts for the day,

      "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

      My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


        BOY, WHERE WAS I??
        I sure did miss something.
        I'll be watching, you may never know when or how, but I'll be there. I am there now....


          Well me personally almost (welllll)actually enjoyed the antics of even lightening. In my line of work you have to be so politically correct...... But we all are entitled to an opionion and each of us should respect that right, we don't have to agree but we can listen. I really haven't had an issue, with the slight exception of "how" opinions were expressed with the topic of bankruptcy and the reason that people file. I can't change anybody's opinion and I generally do learn something by listening to other's opinions. Lightening's were a little hard to stomach mainly because he didn't mind asking questions but wouldn't answer questions and I doubted the validity about somethings he claimed, money for instance. I realize that we all Have "names" here and the reasons. But there is no need to lie, if you can't be honest with yourself who can you be honest with. Chances are I won't meet (in life) nayone on this forum, but I do consider you a family of friends. I can say things I may not say to anyone else, because, in general I don't feel like I am being judged. I take the kidding, the "flirting" all in good fun and enjoy my time well spent here......
          It is not in my nature to be cruel not to intentionally hurt anone's feelings. I do tend to "say it like I really think it is" sometimes without thinking how it may sound to someone else....
          I'll be watching, you may never know when or how, but I'll be there. I am there now....


            Sunshine, I can relate as i work for the government. However there is a Cadre of us who are in no way politically correct and tell it like it is. And agreement comes from the oddest quarters. As I gave up being a 3rd shift Supervisor (Supervisors also have a Union and pick by seniority but i did not want to wait) back in the 90's after sleeping through a day and not picking my son up (he was six) on early release I don't have to be PC in any way. I have turned down the job on more than one occasion now and declared myself a foot soldier. A surprising amount of freedom once the powers that be have no hold on you. I can also go home early when i please, not be there when i please and yes i make afew bucks an hour less but i wouldn't trade the freedom for the money, I just work a little more OT. Yearly (which counts now that I'm getting near retirement) I still make more than them.

            Gen stated that he was bowing out of the Forum in a PM afew days ago. He is a good guy as i suspect most folks here generally are.
            Last edited by robivi3; 01-20-2006, 01:24 PM.
            "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

            Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


              Just to inform you

              Originally posted by sunshine08
              Ok - you have been mighty quiet lately. All OK?? Just checking in.

              I have left and possibly will stay gone, even if I decide to file BK.

              I never asked for the banning of another individual.

              I was (And still am) disgusted by things posted and those who "Encouraged" such.

              I saw no reason to stick around and be made sick daily.

              Thank you and have a day.


                Gen, you do have friends who will miss you here. God Bless and if you file I hope that Trustee looks favorably upon you.
                "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

                Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


                  Genenco, I am sorry that you have felt the need to leave the forum. I wish you all the luck in your future, whatever it holds. You have provided a lot of valuable advice to us here and you will be missed.
                  I asked about you and didn't realize that there was a problem. I know that sometimes these posts can get off base. I do enjoy the humor, hearing what other people's opinions are and trying to understand their point of view. None of us are the same and don't think the same way and that was a premise that our country was built on.
                  I am not so sure that I agree with banning someone, maybe a different type of sanction. There has to be a way to get a point across without beating up someone else's feelings. We are all entitled to our own opinion, that is why it is our opinion.
                  Good luck, God bless. Sunshine
                  I'll be watching, you may never know when or how, but I'll be there. I am there now....


                    AND I AM STILL CONFUSED!!
                    I'll be watching, you may never know when or how, but I'll be there. I am there now....


                      Hey Sunshine (fun to say),
                      I think Gen may just realize that (and I really can't speak for him) we tend to get a little obsessed with things like this Forum. I think some situations cause enough upset and you just feel like well, enough of that. I get the feeling from his signature that he felt the so called tolerant were really quite intolerant and i do know that that was upsetting and eye opening from what i gathered.

                      I was here before this General Talk area began. I was here when Min's deal started and have seen alot come and go. I just take the Forum for fun now and try to have some. I like to get conversations going and love to talk about Miami in the 60's and 70's. Heat?, had heat most of my life, doesn't bother me. Like I say, i've had a wierd life. We don't know what goes on in each life here. We all have in truth many angles and reasons for what we think and how we arrived at our conclusions.

                      I have always been an avid reader and had a talent for languages. I understand how bankruptcy has evolved since ancient times. My Bankruptcy had a profound effect on me. My decision to file was 30 days from start to finish. I came here after it was over, for me it was a living nightmare. To Gen, he is in the deciding stage, looking things over. He handles things another way. I can tell you from talking in PM's that he is a very smart guy and an avid reader also. He's gonna handle BK in his own way. Nothing to be confused about, I think that unlike me he was smart enough to realize that the Forum was becoming an obsession.

                      The "banning" thing I don't know what is meant. I think Lightning was the only person here that finally required a ban, and that was done with real reluctance. Had Lightning lightened up he had some good points. Some people here advocate a total lack of personal responsibility (no one lately though, there have been some downright fraud admissions in the past though!). Lightning "kicked against the goad" to use a Biblical, goat herding phrase. That was good, a little disagreement is always a good thing, but he went to far on MANY who were in a situation not of their own making.
                      Last edited by robivi3; 01-24-2006, 08:35 PM.
                      "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

                      Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


                        My husband hates this forum, it reminds him that we ad to file etc., he would just as soon it all go away, but I am my own person and like I tell him. I am grown.
                        I enjoy it, we can relate to the situation, how we got here, etc. Everyday is a learning experience and I am big on passing on knowledge. I like to know things.
                        I remember many of Genenco's post. Has wonderful ideas and outlook. Hope that he will visit once in awhile and know we are here for him if he needs us.
                        Life is too short to hold grudges, I am almost actually looking forward to Lightening striking again, I'm sure he will. He keeps us on your toes. None of us are going to look at everything the same. I didn't and don't agree with his asinine attitude, but hey, that is his purogative. Am I sorry he got banned, not sure how to answer that. I guess I wish that he will lighten up a little and reword his advice, reasonably answer questions when asked, and try and put himself in our shoes.
                        I enjoy straying from the bankruptcy subject too. You need to be diversified. I love BK's avatars, StaciMM's cute children pictures, etc. Want to join in with Minny to kick the legal system's a$$, if you know what I mean. Love hearing about FLorida, etc.
                        I'll be watching, you may never know when or how, but I'll be there. I am there now....


                          I am a history nut, love old Miami even though the History is short. Three things i remember about school in Florida, one it was horrible (from Battle Ground Academy in Franklin, TN to Nautilus jr. high in Maimi Beach culture shock), two Florida history and three Americanism vs. Communism a requirement up until the 80's. Religion? In public school? in an odd way, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One chapter in the text book was called "BEWARE OF GODLESS POWER!" That text book had the best artwork you could imagine, it has to do with our Cuban influx here, and please no one make any stupid comments over that phrase, its acceptable here and I've got a Hatian, Cuban, Venezuelan, Tennessean BLOOD RELATED family that could put any hypocritcal multiculturalist to shame. I'll explain that one day, we speak Spanish, Creole and English in this house on a daily basis. My boys can answer anything Spanish to english English to Spanish or even Spanglish and did not know that they actually spoke spanish for years when they were young. It was just second nature.

                          I'm online alot and bat back in here because I'm on alot, ALOT. I've bought alot of land in the last year. So sometimes the Browser is up but i have another Browser open so it looks like I'm here when i'm not.
                          Last edited by robivi3; 01-24-2006, 09:04 PM.
                          "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

                          Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


                            Please Note:

                            Genenco did not request anyone be banned.

                            He left the forum of his own free choice and will.

                            Sometimes the topics we get on on into, some folks do not agree with, nor do they want too hear.

                            My suggestion IS - if you do not agree with a thread, do not partake in that thread.

                            Everyone is entitled to their opinion and entitled to express it UNTIL it becomes personal and inflammatory to another member of the forum... especially regarding race, religion, and national origin..

                            We are here on this forum to be a supportive each other thru the bankruptcy process and to let others know what to expect and what they can encounter in the bankruptcy process.

                            Personal joking between members should be done in good taste and should remain so.... Nothing wrong with laughter to ease the pain of bankruptcy....

                            My thoughts today,

                            "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

                            My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


                              My only suggestion is if you don't like what you are eading or having a different opinion, let tell us how you feel, or ignore that post. I don't believe anyone here wants to be offensive to someone else. We are justing sharing ideas, advice, and in general goofing off.
                              I'll be watching, you may never know when or how, but I'll be there. I am there now....


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