...what I know now. Boy oh boy.
We've sure made some mistakes financially. Things we didn't see until now.
We went very aggressive with our 401K contributions over the past few years. Our intentions were good but we sure put ourselves in a bind.
I sat down the other night with about six years worth of tax returns and the numbers that stared back at me told me we hadn't been as smart as we thought we were being.
We were putting between $700 to $800 a month into our 401K for the past few years. We should have been using that money to live on. I honestly don't think we'd be where we are today if we had done things differently.
And our withholding screwed us also. We've been getting around $3000 in Federal back every year. More money we could have used to live on and each month. Like $250 worth.
Like I said our intentions were good. We were looking toward the future. We don't want to struggle in our later years, but look what that's done to us in the present.
The ironic part of it all is that we actually borrowed from our 401K to pay off credit cards at one point. We're still paying off those loans.
Not feeling so smart now.
We've sure made some mistakes financially. Things we didn't see until now.
We went very aggressive with our 401K contributions over the past few years. Our intentions were good but we sure put ourselves in a bind.
I sat down the other night with about six years worth of tax returns and the numbers that stared back at me told me we hadn't been as smart as we thought we were being.
We were putting between $700 to $800 a month into our 401K for the past few years. We should have been using that money to live on. I honestly don't think we'd be where we are today if we had done things differently.
And our withholding screwed us also. We've been getting around $3000 in Federal back every year. More money we could have used to live on and each month. Like $250 worth.
Like I said our intentions were good. We were looking toward the future. We don't want to struggle in our later years, but look what that's done to us in the present.
The ironic part of it all is that we actually borrowed from our 401K to pay off credit cards at one point. We're still paying off those loans.
Not feeling so smart now.