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Harley Davidson discontinues Buell line

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    Harley Davidson discontinues Buell line

    I am an avid motorcyclist and heard yesterday that Harley Davidson is discontinuing their Buell line of motorcycles. This was Harley's version of American made sport style bikes aimed at a younger market. They have been producing them for a number of years. December willl mark the end of production for this line. Sort of like GM's Saturn division. This will cause the loss of 180+ jobs. They are citing a lack of sales and a soft economy for the decision. Some economic recovery huh?
    Filed July 2009. Discharged 08/08/2014. Awaiting closing. We made it !!!! Woo-hoo!

    I think their net income was down by 80% just recently. It is but a luxury item I suppose. Didn't think I would ever see HD go down the drain. I don't think anyone said it's a recovery. More like it's leveled off. It will never recover.
    Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


      Search the net and watch the video Of Buell's statement of intent to shut the door's. Its sad, he is genuinely tore up over it. Its sad to see another american company close its doors.
      Discharged 1-25-10


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