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    Originally posted by downsized View Post
    nc73, don't come to Michigan. Our unemployment rate is over 15%. The unemployment numbers are somewhat skewed though. They don't factor in those who's benefits have run out or those, like myself, who can't collect when they loose their job. I work contract with no unemployment compensation if/when the job ends. Dh, a mechanical engineer, lost his job in March. Still unemployed.
    I've heard about Michigan. It's just awful. Unfortunately Michigan might be what the rest of the country will turn into. It's just a matter of when. Our stupid government think they can bail everyone out. Its only costing us money we don't have.

    In any case I'm only heading to Va, no place to stay anywhere else.
    Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


      I don't think other states will turn into Michigan if they haven't at this point. The strike Michigan has against it is the large number of jobs in the auto industry. We're the "motor city". When that market hit the floor, so did the lives of many who worked in that industry and there's been a serious trickle down effect that followed. I heard a statistic somewhere that said for every job at GM, Chrysler, or Ford, something like 20 other jobs were tied to it...meaning people like engineers, designers, etc. That's a lot of people depending on the auto industry for employment. I'd say stear clear of banking and auto jobs and you might just be ok.
      filed chapter 7 BK 4/27/09
      341 meeting 6/4/09
      DISCHARGED!!! 8/5/09


        Originally posted by downsized View Post
        I don't think other states will turn into Michigan if they haven't at this point. The strike Michigan has against it is the large number of jobs in the auto industry. We're the "motor city". When that market hit the floor, so did the lives of many who worked in that industry and there's been a serious trickle down effect that followed. I heard a statistic somewhere that said for every job at GM, Chrysler, or Ford, something like 20 other jobs were tied to it...meaning people like engineers, designers, etc. That's a lot of people depending on the auto industry for employment. I'd say stear clear of banking and auto jobs and you might just be ok.
        Good thing I'm in IT, there's jobs for us in almost every decent sized company.
        Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


          I've been looking for a year and nada. While I'm still employed, that AX is coming. I really hate my company. They are going to let my dept go only to rehire people in a different state to do the same job. What the hell is that crap?!! Stupid mindless idiot Senior leaders making bad decisions.

          I've been through fear, stress, the gammit of emotions on impending unemployment. But at this point, I wish they'd just do it so we can move on. I guess I'll be taking a long vacation soon, on welfare & unemployment.
          Filed Chapter 7 Pro-Se May 29, 2008
          341 July 1, 2008
          Discharged September 4, 2008
          Closed November 10, 2008 :-)


            I'm guessing the next bunch they hire will be paid less...income is going down hill
            Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


              I work in an engineering firm as a receptionist/admin asst and they cut everyone's hours back to 32/wk back in March, I was laid off for 3 mos in the summer and just yesterday I was cleaning up our network drive where all the scans at our copy machine go and found a memo from my boss to the other partners that he was recommending closing or selling our company. So it looks like I'll be looking for a job here soon. As if it wasn't hard enough to find one in this economy, I'll have to find something that will work with me around my daughter's school schedule because we can't afford after school care.

              Thankfully, I asked my mom to move in with us back in the early spring when we were struggling so much pre-BK and she works FT so she can help us buy groceries and stuff like that if/when I lose my job.

              I keep hearing on the news that things are turning around but we're not seeing it here in our area either.
              07/10/09 Filed Chapter 7
              08/10/09 341
              10/16/09 Discharged
              02/01/10 Closed


                Hubby looked since last Oct, but really he was laid off a lot prior to that in car sales. A lot of the jobs like the F&I jobs and Sales Manager went to the friends of so and so since we are from out of state. In sales, he was cut with all the new hires over and over .. car sales are down, so lets cut our staff it is their fault and hire new ones. Right. Anyhow, he has been working selling insurance on FULL COMMISSION which means we pay for everything pretty much for some big business person and stock holders while trying to sell their products to a laid off America. It is disheartening to him and to me. We hope to come out of this with no debt, but it is hard to convince hubby that the direct TV may have to come down in price, and we may have to kick loose of his cell phone/gps/test/ internet for work service since his unemployment is running out. I can not pay for it all. We never really spent a lot, we just lived and lived small really. Worked hard and lived... but I guess we should have ripped people off so we could get a bail out... that is how it works, right? lol


                  Originally posted by danaf View Post
                  I've been looking for a year and nada. While I'm still employed, that AX is coming. I really hate my company. They are going to let my dept go only to rehire people in a different state to do the same job. What the hell is that crap?!! Stupid mindless idiot Senior leaders making bad decisions.

                  I've been through fear, stress, the gammit of emotions on impending unemployment. But at this point, I wish they'd just do it so we can move on. I guess I'll be taking a long vacation soon, on welfare & unemployment.
                  I'm sorry to hear that. This seems to be the new business model. My company shut down most of our offices to have everything done out of a few select "hubs." A few of us transferred cities to keep a job. As soon as we got here, they cut our pay by 5%. Now they're taking an additional 14% of our pay through the end of the year and calling it "furlough" though we don't get the time off and will be working the holidays without holiday pay. They sell it as if they're doing us a favor by not laying us off. The truth is they want to save on unemployment insurance and keep the product going. If we quit, we'll be denied unemployment. Stay, and we can't afford to pay for basic necessities such as rent and food. I wish I could see a light at the end of this tunnel We're supposed to be the lucky ones for still having jobs, but our jobs are making us just as miserable.
                  12/05/08 - filed pro se
                  01/27/09 - case dismissed and closed - 02/24/09 - case reopened and dismissal vacated
                  04/01/09 - new 341 scheduled
                  6/02/09 - DISCHARGED!!!


                    These posts are so heartbreaking to read since they are so true. So many good folks struggling and unemployed with the low lifes getting bailed out with our money!!!

                    I really feel and fear there will be some more modern day "John Dillingers" rising up from all this.

                    At least during the depression (the first great depression that is) the entire world suffered not that everyone suffering is good. It's just that you never heard of any bank or firm getting bailed out.

                    The only ones laughing during the depression were the ones that helped plan the 29 crash and jumped ship like Ted Kennedy's father or JP Morgan and the rest of them.
                    The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of Government


                      I have a good friend who has worked for South Florida's old Burdines/Macy's for 23 years. Her hours and those of similar long-time employees have been cut. Yet Macy's is now "hiring" for the holidays, all shifts, all days of the week. Of course, it's because rather than pay the old-timers (whose earnings depend heavily on commission anyway) a little more, they'd rather hire newcomers for minimum wage.

                      BK 7 filed and discharged in 2004 after 30+ years of perfect credit. Life HAPPENS.


                        Today is my last day at work. Got official word last week that they are laying off 1/4 of the office. I suspect that if things don't turn around quick more will be coming.
                        07/10/09 Filed Chapter 7
                        08/10/09 341
                        10/16/09 Discharged
                        02/01/10 Closed


                          I live in Northern VA and I work in DC currently. And yes that is correct...65k in Northern VA/DC is decent...but you'd need either 2 incomes or a roommate situation to get by here on that.

                          The market in DC isn't terrible (at least in my area, IT). The real problem lies in civilian jobs... its sooooo hard to find a permanent direct hire position in this area. I got laid off from a job overseas at the beginning of this year and had to move back to the US. I was able to secure a job with the gov't over the phone but I'm a contractor. I'm a full time employee with the consulting firm I work for...but I really hate being a contractor. I've never done it before this and I was always a permanent FT employee at a corporation.

                          It seems that's where all the jobs are though....contracting. I have a BS in Computer Science and a masters in Management Information Systems and I can't even get companies to call me. I'm trying to find another regular FT direct hire position but its like impossible. I constantly get emails and calls from recruiters about my resume but its for 3 month contracts, 12 month contracts, jobs across the country or just standard contractor type jobs.

                          DC area was hit really hard by this depression/recession or whatever you wanna call it. Hell one of the reasons I had to file was because of my house. I owned a 890 sq ft condo in Northern VA and I paid 270,000 for it in 2007. I had 60,000 of equity when I bought it... normal loan... no sub prime or anything. In less than 2 years, the price dropped on units in my development to about 120,000. If you go into my development today, about 70% of all the units are unoccupied and in foreclosure or short sales. I let the condo go in bankruptcy and my renters finally moved out the other day ... we went over to the development to check out the unit and its like a ghost town. Every condo in my building is empty and you could hear all the smoke detectors beeping because the batteries are all dead as they have been sitting so long.

                          I really wonder when this is gonna end... it seems like it still hasn't hit bottom yet.
                          BK Ch 7 Discharged 09/2009 | Anything I say can and should be used as friendly advice and sharing of experiences with an unbiased viewpoint.
                          Scores: EQ 745 EX 704 TU 710 as of 08/15/2012


                            I was laid off in CA 6/2/09... Luckily I had a "part time" job helping a buddy of mine who manages a restaurant, so I was able to get appox 30 hours a week with that. I moved to AZ (basically forced to move home with my parents - I'm 23), and I have been looking for work since I got here 9/20/09.

                            I have had several responses, a handful of interviews... Its hard when so many people are looking to work and there are so few jobs...

                            Good luck!
                            Life is the one lesson that must be learned, yet cannot be taught... I find myself trying to complete this chapter and move on to the next as quickly and painlessly as I can...


                              I will be looking toward the middle of next year after I have this baby and he is old enough to put in daycare. I graduated with a Bachelor's in Mass Communication/Advertising in 2004. Worked in various customer service jobs and even waited tables for a while. I've never had a job with a salary over $25k. In 2007 I became a stay at home mom b/c paying for daycare out of a measly paycheck didn't make much sense. But now that our financial situation has gotten worse, I have no choice but to go back to work and this time I will be paying for daycare for TWO! I guess even bringing home just a couple hundred bucks is better than NOTHING right? I tried babysitting in my home and though the money I made was comparable to what I'd make after a full time job minus childcare, I don't have medical insurance. Plus the babysitting gigs were not as dependable as a job outside the never know when the parents are going to get laid off and leave you without pay. That's what happened to me the first time.

                              South LA is all about the oil field and everything has been at a standstill for a while now. Luckily my husband has not been laid off like many of his co-workers, but we are pretty much sitting on the edge of the chair waiting for bad news. They say the economy is picking up but no evidence of that here yet. Only time will tell!


                                Originally posted by Amy26 View Post
                                I live in Northern VA and I work in DC currently. And yes that is correct...65k in Northern VA/DC is decent...but you'd need either 2 incomes or a roommate situation to get by here on that.

                                The market in DC isn't terrible (at least in my area, IT). The real problem lies in civilian jobs... its sooooo hard to find a permanent direct hire position in this area. I got laid off from a job overseas at the beginning of this year and had to move back to the US. I was able to secure a job with the gov't over the phone but I'm a contractor. I'm a full time employee with the consulting firm I work for...but I really hate being a contractor. I've never done it before this and I was always a permanent FT employee at a corporation.

                                It seems that's where all the jobs are though....contracting. I have a BS in Computer Science and a masters in Management Information Systems and I can't even get companies to call me. I'm trying to find another regular FT direct hire position but its like impossible. I constantly get emails and calls from recruiters about my resume but its for 3 month contracts, 12 month contracts, jobs across the country or just standard contractor type jobs.
                                Contract jobs can last a while and you can sometimes go permanent. What I did before was work for the govt as a contractor but through a company, and it lasted a long time until I decided to move. It just depends on what type of contractor you are, w2, employee, etc. W2 usually means no benefits of any kind. Hopefully with the help of family I can get a job once I move. I've already started looking and it's not bad. Oh one more thing. You have to know people in order to get FT permanent. It's just the way things work now.
                                Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


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