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    Who's looking for work?

    So just curious since I will be moving back to the states in the near future...Who's looking for a job and how long have you been looking? I know some areas have higher unemployment..etc..
    Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010

    We are retired ourselves and trying to stay that way.
    Our kids are another story.
    The daughter-in-law got laid off some 7 months ago. She is in night school to learn something different and looking. Loss of $45k job.
    Our Son lost his job June of 2008. Finally got work this Summer but not for near the pay he was getting. Loss of pay on old job $50K.
    Our daughter lost her job last Nov. Has not found work that will pay her child care for 1 child so she can get back to work. Loss of income $65K
    Our Son-in-law is still employed but really worrying about his job now. It's at $50K if he loses it.
    Both couples are going to have to file BK due to the bills and house debts that they cannot clear with the prices on homes now.
    AZ got hit pretty hard. locally here we are at some 8-10% I hear with some signs of improvement.
    The bad news is that new jobs are not paying what the old salaries were.


      Originally posted by kenshirley View Post
      We are retired ourselves and trying to stay that way.
      Our kids are another story.
      The daughter-in-law got laid off some 7 months ago. She is in night school to learn something different and looking. Loss of $45k job.
      Our Son lost his job June of 2008. Finally got work this Summer but not for near the pay he was getting. Loss of pay on old job $50K.
      Our daughter lost her job last Nov. Has not found work that will pay her child care for 1 child so she can get back to work. Loss of income $65K
      Our Son-in-law is still employed but really worrying about his job now. It's at $50K if he loses it.
      Both couples are going to have to file BK due to the bills and house debts that they cannot clear with the prices on homes now.
      AZ got hit pretty hard. locally here we are at some 8-10% I hear with some signs of improvement.
      The bad news is that new jobs are not paying what the old salaries were.

      Arizona got devastated.

      There is work.... that is if you want to work for free.

      Hard times.
      Golden Jubilee was a year-long celebration held every 50 years in which all bondmen were freed, mortgaged lands were restored to the original owners, and land was left fallow: Lev. 25:8-17


        I live in the Poconos (NE PA, 10 minutes from Jersey) and I've been looking for work for over a year. I lost my $85/K plus $10-$15K bonus job in August,'08. I've decided that it's not worth it to look for a job at that level again - take out the higher tax bracket from two incomes, the day care, the commute - and I was only making about $15K more annually than if I made $25,000/K part time or locally (maybe if I would have REALLY done that math before, I wouldn't have kept robbing Peter to pay Paul). I'm looking for anything parttime - entry level bookkeeping, waitressing, bussing tables, I don't care how physical or dirty the job is - I can't find a thing. I'm going to an interview for a waitress position this afternoon, wish me luck.
        over $100K cc debt,$20K taxes,$332K mortgages/value $190K,surrendered
        Confirmed, $801/month 56 down,4 to go


          My girlfriend in Ft. Lauderdale lost her job the end of May (Administrative assistant with a B.A. in Advertising), she's found NOTHING.
          Filed Oct 2005discharged February 2007,Shapeless in the fire's glow, tell me if you think you know,
          Who it was we were below, where we've been and where we go


            Good luck Ifonly! Eeeeeek I'm scared to move now.
            Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


              Illinois isnt much better.. I have been a sahm (Homemaker) for 6 years and hubby was laid off (50K yr) for 8 months. We both decided to og back to school as I have a couple degrees but no one will call me...Hubby started school again last month and now I start school next month...and hoping that puts our foot in the door again...its so hard (we have 2 kids and are nearing 40's).
              chpt 13 11/25/08 converted 7/7/09 to a 7. No assests and surrendered vehicles...
              9/2009 Scores 515-565 & working up from here...10/9 they havent budged yet....why does our puppy & bk lawyer have the same Discharged 10/28/09 now the real work begins


                Originally posted by kym View Post
                Illinois isnt much better.. I have been a sahm (Homemaker) for 6 years and hubby was laid off (50K yr) for 8 months. We both decided to og back to school as I have a couple degrees but no one will call me...Hubby started school again last month and now I start school next month...and hoping that puts our foot in the door again...its so hard (we have 2 kids and are nearing 40's).
                How do you both go to school at the same time? It will be tough to find work if you have been a SAHM for that long. I've got two kids too but I'm the one nearing 40 and my wife's only 25. I'd stay here but I'd be broke here too.
                Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


                  My daughter just graduated from University of Arizona this May 2009 with a degree in Management Information Systems (and Operations Mgmt). She was immediately hired by IBM (actually hired in Oct 2008 to start July 2009 after her graduation). So the MIS tech jobs appear to be avail. (She is in the $65k range). BTW the position is in Washington DC.

                  I believe I had read earlier that that is your specialty. You might want to check it out.
                  Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
                  Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

                  I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


                    That's my degree also! I started IT without it. Got the degree only 4 years ago.

                    Originally posted by StartingOver08 View Post
                    My daughter just graduated from University of Arizona this May 2009 with a degree in Management Information Systems (and Operations Mgmt). She was immediately hired by IBM (actually hired in Oct 2008 to start July 2009 after her graduation). So the MIS tech jobs appear to be avail. (She is in the $65k range). BTW the position is in Washington DC.

                    I believe I had read earlier that that is your specialty. You might want to check it out.
                    Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


                      for us... hubby works 5:30a-2p and comes home and showers and leaves for school 5:30-10:30p and comes home to sleep and start it over again... He will be done in april

                      I will be going to school from 8am-12pm for 9 months. We will overlap a lil but have a park district program that will help alot..
                      chpt 13 11/25/08 converted 7/7/09 to a 7. No assests and surrendered vehicles...
                      9/2009 Scores 515-565 & working up from here...10/9 they havent budged yet....why does our puppy & bk lawyer have the same Discharged 10/28/09 now the real work begins


                        Damn that's rough, especially for your hubby.
                        Originally posted by kym View Post
                        for us... hubby works 5:30a-2p and comes home and showers and leaves for school 5:30-10:30p and comes home to sleep and start it over again... He will be done in april

                        I will be going to school from 8am-12pm for 9 months. We will overlap a lil but have a park district program that will help alot..
                        Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


                          yes it is.. but he knew it would be... I left him sleep whenever I can. In january he is moving to midnights at work and we will drive to school together (8am-1pm he will go). He really likes what he is doing at school. (his brother and sister have both decided to go back to school since he has (one for the same thing and the other for her GED).. We are gonna have one heck of a grad party for sure!
                          chpt 13 11/25/08 converted 7/7/09 to a 7. No assests and surrendered vehicles...
                          9/2009 Scores 515-565 & working up from here...10/9 they havent budged yet....why does our puppy & bk lawyer have the same Discharged 10/28/09 now the real work begins


                            Originally posted by nc73 View Post
                            That's my degree also! I started IT without it. Got the degree only 4 years ago.

                            From what I hear from my daughter, this degree is still in high demand by the tech sector. A least it is a little good news for you!
                            Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
                            Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

                            I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


                              Originally posted by StartingOver08 View Post
                              From what I hear from my daughter, this degree is still in high demand by the tech sector. A least it is a little good news for you!
                              It's good for getting interviews that's for sure. It hasn't come in handy in getting me a better job yet, just a really stable one. I was making more without my degree, although it didn't help that I left my high paying job.
                              Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


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