Gabby just turned 11 and acted like shes 2 until a couple of weeks ago. She started getting red eyes, losing weight (3 lbs on a 16 lb dog), fatigued, and just spacey..She had a seizure last Tues.
We did bloodwork and a urine test. She also had a really bad UTI and is on anti biotics which has helped..
Tomorrow we see the specialist and I'm so afraid she has some sort of brain tumor.
She goes everywhere with me (even to work). She is all I have in the world and I will do whatever I can to save her life. I had someone come over to my salon alittle while ago to look at my cabinet that I keep products in.. I will sell it to pay for her surgery.
In another thread that was talking about pet insurance...I'm so glad I have it and kept it no matter what. Its costing me $70 a month and now it'll come in handy. For the MRI alone is about 1800.
When it rains it pours...Im so do you go on and keep your wits? I don't think I can...Please say a prayer for her....we were a therapy team for years and went to see the sick kids where she did all her tricks for them.
She is amazing and all love. She doesn't understand why she's not functioning like normal..just watches me for some sign..
I love her so much...
We did bloodwork and a urine test. She also had a really bad UTI and is on anti biotics which has helped..
Tomorrow we see the specialist and I'm so afraid she has some sort of brain tumor.
She goes everywhere with me (even to work). She is all I have in the world and I will do whatever I can to save her life. I had someone come over to my salon alittle while ago to look at my cabinet that I keep products in.. I will sell it to pay for her surgery.
In another thread that was talking about pet insurance...I'm so glad I have it and kept it no matter what. Its costing me $70 a month and now it'll come in handy. For the MRI alone is about 1800.
When it rains it pours...Im so do you go on and keep your wits? I don't think I can...Please say a prayer for her....we were a therapy team for years and went to see the sick kids where she did all her tricks for them.
She is amazing and all love. She doesn't understand why she's not functioning like normal..just watches me for some sign..
I love her so much...