I have 3 credit cards, 1 with BOA and 2 with DISCOVER. I have lump sum amount of money held aside that I have thought of offering to my creditors prorated in proportion to what I owe. The amount I have would give each credit card a 5% settlement. I have read on this forum of some who have received 10% settlement offers. I would send a check marked front and back, "IN FULL & FINAL SETTLEMENT CREDIT CARD ##### (BOA or DISC) OWED BY JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE".....or something like that. I would also send the check certified with a cover letter, saying more or less, "....I am herewith enclosing our check #### in the amount of $$$$$ which constitutes a full and final settlement offer to you. By settling with you I understand that:
• Cashing this check constitutes payment in full
• My account will now show settled on all 3 major credit reporting agencies
• Since this is now settled it will not be sold to other collection agencies, nor turned over for any legal remedy
• Full and final payment of all obligations under and any agencies assigned to it….
• I request that this be processed as a paper check and not by EFT. No automatic deductions from my account, either now or in the future, are authorized. This agreement for debt settlement shall be binding upon BOA /Discover and their successors and assignees.
If my understanding is correct and if you are in agreement with the above, then kindly cash the check. If my understanding is incorrect please return my un-cashed check to me...."
My letter would also contain a chart showing both of my creditors, balances and and what both were being offered, that way they know openly that they are getting the same percentage and prorate share. What are your thoughts? Is there a chance it would work? Would I be opening up a can of worms? Would I just end up with them cashing the check and still trying to collect or selling to other collection agencies. At the moment I am still with the original creditors. Since I am presently working over seas as a missionary I have had no collection calls from anyone and no contact at all from Discover. A few pieces of mail from BOA. I am presently going to 180 days past due. I am also prepared for the tax consequences if this does work. I am working overseas so it is hard to take time off and go back to Texas to be in town to file and attend the 341. I'd like to get this over with and get on with my life and get a secured card and try to rebuild credit with the hopes of someday returning home and getting a house, car and NO more credit cards!
• Cashing this check constitutes payment in full
• My account will now show settled on all 3 major credit reporting agencies
• Since this is now settled it will not be sold to other collection agencies, nor turned over for any legal remedy
• Full and final payment of all obligations under and any agencies assigned to it….
• I request that this be processed as a paper check and not by EFT. No automatic deductions from my account, either now or in the future, are authorized. This agreement for debt settlement shall be binding upon BOA /Discover and their successors and assignees.
If my understanding is correct and if you are in agreement with the above, then kindly cash the check. If my understanding is incorrect please return my un-cashed check to me...."
My letter would also contain a chart showing both of my creditors, balances and and what both were being offered, that way they know openly that they are getting the same percentage and prorate share. What are your thoughts? Is there a chance it would work? Would I be opening up a can of worms? Would I just end up with them cashing the check and still trying to collect or selling to other collection agencies. At the moment I am still with the original creditors. Since I am presently working over seas as a missionary I have had no collection calls from anyone and no contact at all from Discover. A few pieces of mail from BOA. I am presently going to 180 days past due. I am also prepared for the tax consequences if this does work. I am working overseas so it is hard to take time off and go back to Texas to be in town to file and attend the 341. I'd like to get this over with and get on with my life and get a secured card and try to rebuild credit with the hopes of someday returning home and getting a house, car and NO more credit cards!