Did anyone read the Jim Carrey piece?
I guess since Mr. Carrey is not a doctor, he should not be allowed to speak or write or give his opinion. How dare Mr. Carrey exercise his natural rights and dare to speak out! He doesn't have a medical degree or work for Big Pharma. Who does he think he is?!
Only academics should be allowed to speak and only academics can give someone permission to voice an opinion and only if someone has a certain academic credential.
-Jim Carrey
The Judgment on Vaccines Is In???
Oh really Mr. Carrey? Drug companies and big pharma are the good guys. They only want what's best.
Now, if you get depressed reading this piece by Mr. Carrey, be sure and go ask your doctor for an anti-depressant.
Actor Jim Carrey: The Judgment on Vaccines Is In?
-Jim Carrey
But oh yeah-I'm just a conspiracy nut for posting this and I should be ashamed of myself for daring to post it here. Shame on me.
Shame on Jim Carrey for writing this. He's just an actor!
I guess since Mr. Carrey is not a doctor, he should not be allowed to speak or write or give his opinion. How dare Mr. Carrey exercise his natural rights and dare to speak out! He doesn't have a medical degree or work for Big Pharma. Who does he think he is?!
Only academics should be allowed to speak and only academics can give someone permission to voice an opinion and only if someone has a certain academic credential.
In all likelihood the truth about vaccines is that they are both good and bad. While ingredients like aluminum, mercury, ether, formaldehyde and anti-freeze may help preserve and enhance vaccines, they can be toxic as well...If the CDC, the AAP and Ms. Brown insist that our children take twice as many shots as the rest of the western world, we need more independent vaccine research not done by the drug companies selling the vaccines or by organizations under their influence.
The Judgment on Vaccines Is In???
Oh really Mr. Carrey? Drug companies and big pharma are the good guys. They only want what's best.
Now, if you get depressed reading this piece by Mr. Carrey, be sure and go ask your doctor for an anti-depressant.
Actor Jim Carrey: The Judgment on Vaccines Is In?
With vaccines being the fastest growing division of the pharmaceutical industry, isn’t it possible that profits may play a part in the decision-making? That the vaccine program is becoming more of a profit engine than a means of prevention? In a world left reeling from the catastrophic effects of greed, mismanagement and corporate insensitivity, is it so absurd for us to wonder why American children are being given twice as many vaccines on average, compared to the top 30 first world countries?
But oh yeah-I'm just a conspiracy nut for posting this and I should be ashamed of myself for daring to post it here. Shame on me.
Shame on Jim Carrey for writing this. He's just an actor!