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I need an advice

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    I need an advice

    I'm new here. I've been browsing tons of forums for an idea of what to do. I was laid off from my job about 3 month ago. I've been looking for a job since then, but did not even get a single interview. I worked as a web designer for a publishing company for the last 5 years. Looks like BKForum is an active forum with active members and may be someone has some experience working as a freelance web designer. May be "BK News" category is not the most appropriate for this question, but I want to try anyways to get some opinions before I go ahead with my life. I'm wondering if it is possible in the current economy to find work for a freelance web designer and make enough to pay for rent and groceries. I was able to find a small project on craigslist and I developed a website for a company. It was a small project and took me only a week to complete. I got paid $800 for 1 week of work which is not bad. Please people give me some ideas. I have 2 kids and my wife is out of work as well. Thank you in advance.
    Last edited by lrprn; 04-04-2009, 06:47 PM. Reason: removed active link to forum

    If you build a better mousetrap people will beat a path to your door.

    If you are not unique, more creative than the rest or have a list of potential clients and the savvy to market to them I'd say look for another job then try developing your web designer business once you're stable.
    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


      Have you tried

      You can post your skills, and bid on jobs. There is a lot of competition from India though, where they are willing to do the job pretty cheap.

      There are still people out there that firmly believe in hiring within the US. Especially if they are local and need closer contact than India.

      Check it out if you haven't already. You might find some work.


        They call this a "global economy". Invasive economy is more like it...
        "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

        Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


          How willing are you to work hard getting work?

          Seek inexpensive but high-visibility modes of advertising. Volunteer to create a simple website for a charity organization in return for a press release announcement. Volunteer to teach an occasional continuing ed class at your local community college or free u, such as "Style Sheets With Style" or "Building Templates", et al.

          Talk with local companies that have high inventory turnover - car dealers, realty agencies, restaurants. Ask about their current web maintenance service and if you could bid for the job; if they have an in-house team, offer your services as fill-in or back up for their own people. Bid low, work your arse off, beat the deadline, wow them with the results, and keep talking with them about doing more for them.

          Network. Contact local web designers, be charming, listen to their complaints, offer to do the parts of projects they dislike the most. Call temp agencies and pass out your resume. Create a brochure and business cards and hand them out to everyone you meet.

          Be flexible. Do you have any graphics skills? Product photography? Can you set up small networks? Buy an external drive and offer an inexpensive back up service for small businesses.

          Just don't put an ad in the paper and wait for work to come to you, because you won't make rent doing only that.


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