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Is President Obama Fixing the Economy?? Yes, Maybe, No - weigh in here

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    Originally posted by CompTweaker View Post
    ...but what I meant, and I guess i should have been more clear, is he hopes Obamas agendas fail if he indeed continues to try pushing govt influence into the private sector. He doesnt want to see the president of the USA, in general, Fail.
    Comp, you - and others here - seem to be honest people with an opinion different from mine. And that is good - I can't imagine what this country would be like if everything I think were put in place - even I wouldn't want to live in it.

    But this part of your statement - "if he indeed continues to try pushing govt influence into the private sector." that I find a problem.

    Have we not had enough of private sector pushing influence into government?

    If there has to be one or the other, is it not time that private - read "big Corps" - influence be taken out of our government?

    I certainly think so - Surly we don't need yet another example of the dangers and damage it does to us and the world.

    Government in and of itself isn't bad - it is now government governs that can be bad.

    And the ability of one party or the other walking into office and deciding which of it will allow - or not allow- is where the problem lies. And I don't have an answer to how to fix that because as we have seen, Bubba and company stopped virtually every protection we had and President Obama is putting them back in. Depending upon which side of the aisle you sit on, one of them was wrong.

    IMO, Bush should never have had the power to stop all those protections but thank God President Obama HAD the power to put them back. jb
    jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
    Filed - 2/27/09
    341 - 4/3/09
    Discharged - 6/20/2009


      Originally posted by mgmadara View Post
      I said name calling AND generalizations, so here you go. You're pretty quick about pointing out typos and grammar errors in other posts, so I left all of your errors intact.
      Thanks for proving my point. I specifically asked you to point out my name-calling NOT my generalizations and you list my generalizations but not a single name-calling post.

      I repeat. I have no desire to work with anyone who hopes to destroy my country.
      Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


        Originally posted by jeb View Post
        As has been mentioned here, he did, in fact, say that - just that way.

        It was only AFTER the fact that he tried to explain his way out of it that he changed his story - even the Great leader of the GOP wouldn't stick to his statement, it seems. - jb

        I PRAY Obama fails. If he succeeds our country will no longer be the greatest country on earth but merely one of many struggling socialist nations.

        Rush never changed his story. So you don't do, you must do the huffington post.
        Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


          Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
          Thanks for proving my point. I specifically asked you to point out my name-calling NOT my generalizations and you list my generalizations but not a single name-calling post.

          I repeat. I have no desire to work with anyone who hopes to destroy my country.
          Right, because calling liberals silly putty and pessimistic, telling somebody they have a sad thought process, and posting a quote where liberals are called useful idiots isn't name calling in your world.

          If that's the attitude the far right and the far left have we are going to get social oppression when the conservatives are in charge and free spending when the liberals are in charge and nothing else. Each new administration will undo what the old one did and nothing will ever change or get solved. The people that are destroying this country are the far right and the far left. Sorry, you are part of the problem.
          Last edited by mgmadara; 04-05-2009, 06:39 AM.


            Originally posted by mgmadara View Post
            The people that are destroying this country are the far right and the far left. Sorry, you are part of the problem.
            jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
            Filed - 2/27/09
            341 - 4/3/09
            Discharged - 6/20/2009


              Why don't we ban the words "republican" and democrat" from the english language(punishable by death) and ... Well... maybe lets call them... Congress? And maybe tell them to do their job? For god sakes neither side is worth a crap. both sides act like that little brat in the mall, kicking and screaming cause his mommy won't buy him a toy.

              In my opinion Obama was the worst choice and has proved it so far. He has zero experience. None, Nada, Zilch. The guy running the quiki mart (hapoo) has more experience running a business. Maybe ten years from now he might be able to make a competent decion. But not now. He is only a puppet for nancy polosi. She is the real president(God help us all)).

              Now for the other side of the coin, oops there isn't another side. The only possible person to bring us out of this mess on the right (imo) was Nit Romney(sp). At least he was a good business man. Unfortunately this ticking time bomb called an economy has been artificially propped up since reagan era.

              My recomedations: buy gold,bullets, canned food and twinkies(20yr shelf life). It is going to be a long rough road. We can't even afford the interest on the money he is spending.


                Originally posted by JRScott View Post
                Sadly Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Charles Rangle, Mitch McConnell, Chris Dodd, etc are of the same cloth.
                Interesting that you haven't listed a single Republican on your list.....are you really under the delusion that Democrats have created this mess all on their own? Time for a serious dose of reality, my friend. The days when the privilege of thinking that one party or the other is to blame for everything is out-of-date thinking. BOTH major political parties are to blame for this mess.

                Instead of politicians sniping at each other with the sole intent of increasing the short-term kill count while our country swirls the drain, it's time for the Senate and House to grow up and quit the "unless I can have it my way, no one can have it" toddler thinking that dominates both of our current political structures.

                Obama is at least trying to open conversations with both sides, and is being savaged by the extremist factions of both parties for trying while the mass media and political editorial writers and bloggers egg both sides on to generate more stories to get more revenue. I'm sick to death of the whole dysfunctional mess.

                The question is will we ever be able to find consensus? Almost everyone is defending their positions to the death wanting to be right. As Dr. Phil would say, "How's that working for you?" Frankly it isn't working. The question is when are we going to recognize it, stop the cross-party sniping and name-calling, and start using FACTS rather than political ideology or unproven opinions to drive our government's decisions?

                Obama is at least trying to reach across party lines - a refreshing change from the past even if he's only getting stomped by factions in both parties for trying it. I still say give him more time - it's way too early to tell how this is going to turn out.

                It's really easy to post sweeping opinion statements that come straight out of both political party's 'talking points'. Where's the proof that supports the opinions from legitimate, independent sources? (Which means MSNBC and Fox News are both off the list ) Post proof with your opinions - that has value. Otherwise it's just more of the same - hot air without substance.
                Last edited by lrprn; 04-05-2009, 11:55 AM.
                I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

                06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
                06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
                07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
                10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
                01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
                09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
                06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
                08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

                10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
                Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


                  In my opinion Obama was the worst choice and has proved it so far.

                  And you would do what?

                  He has zero experience. None, Nada, Zilch. The guy running the quiki mart (hapoo) has more experience running a business.

                  Then "long live no experience". What we have have going on now is far, far better for us than all that "experience" we have seen in the past.

                  Unfortunately this ticking time bomb called an economy has been artificially propped up since reagan era.

                  Now, see, Bdays, we can agree on something.

                  My recomedations: buy gold,bullets, canned food and twinkies(20yr shelf life). It is going to be a long rough road. We can't even afford the interest on the money he is spending.

                  It always comes back to that for the far right, doesn't it - GUNS.

                  If you can't get what you want any other way you will resort to guns, huh?

                  But that is not being a traitor - just expressing your right of free speech - the very thing you try to take away from others.

                  Hypocrite? - jb
                  jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
                  Filed - 2/27/09
                  341 - 4/3/09
                  Discharged - 6/20/2009


                    Originally posted by lrprn View Post
                    Interesting that you haven't listed a single Republican on your list.....are you really under the delusion that Democrats have created this mess all on their own? Time for a serious dose of reality, my friend. The days when the privilege of thinking that one party or the other is to blame for everything is out-of-date thinking. BOTH major political parties are to blame for this mess.

                    Instead of politicians sniping at each other with the sole intent of increasing the short-term kill count while our country swirls the drain, it's time for the Senate and House to grow up and quit the "unless I can have it my way, no one can have it" toddler thinking that dominates both of our current political structures.

                    Obama is at least trying to open conversations with both sides, and is being savaged by the extremist factions of both parties for trying while the mass media and political editorial writers and bloggers egg both sides on to generate more stories to get more revenue. I'm sick to death of the whole dysfunctional mess.

                    The question is will we ever be able to find consensus? Almost everyone is defending their positions to the death wanting to be right. As Dr. Phil would say, "How's that working for you?" Frankly it isn't working. The question is when are we going to recognize it, stop the cross-party sniping and name-calling, and start using FACTS rather than political ideology or unproven opinions to drive our government's decisions?

                    Obama is at least trying to reach across party lines - a refreshing change from the past even if he's only getting stomped by factions in both parties for trying it. I still say give him more time - it's way too early to tell how this is going to turn out.

                    It's really easy to post sweeping opinion statements that come straight out of both political party's 'talking points'. Where's the proof that supports the opinions from legitimate, independent sources? (Which means MSNBC and Fox News are both off the list ) Post proof with your opinions - that has value. Otherwise it's just more of the same - hot air without substance.
                    Uh....he listed Mitch McConnell who happens to be the Senate Minority Leader (i.e. Republican). I see many Republicans as disappointing because they support the expansion of government control over the private sector.

                    You claim Obama is trying to reach across party lines yet offer no proof which qualifies, by your standards as more hotair.

                    Quote Congressional Quarterly 12/03/08 : "Now that President-elect Barack Obama's Cabinet is, by his count, half picked, the odds are fading that he'll have more than one Republican on his team -- suggesting that his campaign promise to include Republicans may have meant nothing more than the usual token appointment from the other side. "

                    Obama refused to consider any republican proposals in his stimulus plan. He's partisan.
                    Obama is a far left extremist. His appalling apology for America to Europe in his speech in Prague was sickening. His bow to the King of Saud demeans our entire country. His call for a WORLD REGIME to confront North Korea is scary. Thiese qualify as proof of my opinion.

                    Obama is way under-qualified for the role of Leader of the Free World. God help this country. I am not a right-wing extremist. I am a conservative. This country was founded on conservative principles.
                    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                      Originally posted by mgmadara View Post
                      Right, because calling liberals silly putty and pessimistic, telling somebody they have a sad thought process, and posting a quote where liberals are called useful idiots isn't name calling in your world.

                      If that's the attitude the far right and the far left have we are going to get social oppression when the conservatives are in charge and free spending when the liberals are in charge and nothing else. Each new administration will undo what the old one did and nothing will ever change or get solved. The people that are destroying this country are the far right and the far left. Sorry, you are part of the problem.

                      If I called you a useful idiot that is name calling. If I recall that a Fascist Dictator referred to liberals in America as Useful Idiots I'm merely quoting history.
                      Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                        You claim Obama is trying to reach across party lines yet offer no proof which qualifies, by your standards as more hotair.

                        Let's see - when he first came in he met with the Republican leadership. He included republicans in meetings to discuss the stimulus program. And after both of these meetings the Republican Hypocrites fell all over themselves to hold a press conference denouncing his positions. Why would he even think of trying to get their input again?

                        Quote Congressional Quarterly 12/03/08 : "Now that President-elect Barack Obama's Cabinet is, by his count, half picked, the odds are fading that he'll have more than one Republican on his team -- suggesting that his campaign promise to include Republicans may have meant nothing more than the usual token appointment from the other side. "

                        And with a concerted effort by the GOP leadership putting pressure on Republicans to NOT accept a position, you expect what?

                        Can you say HYPOCRITE? - jb

                        His appalling apology for America to Europe in his speech in Prague was sickening. His bow to the King of Saud demeans our entire country. His call for a WORLD REGIME to confront North Korea is scary. Thiese qualify as proof of my opinion.

                        I have no doubt that these qualify as proof in your mind.

                        In mine and, thankfully most people in this country and around the world, he has done more to elevate the status of the US around the world in one week than any other single person has done in history.

                        The contrast between what he has done after Bubba doing more damage to this country in virtually any area you want to look is staggering.

                        I am not a right-wing extremist. I am a conservative.

                        Now see, we find something else to agree on - there is NO difference between the two anymore, unlike a few years ago with I considered myself a conservative. - jb
                        jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
                        Filed - 2/27/09
                        341 - 4/3/09
                        Discharged - 6/20/2009


                          Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                          If I called you a useful idiot that is name calling. If I recall that a Fascist Dictator referred to liberals in America as Useful Idiots I'm merely quoting history.

                          OK, since you claim this to be "history" please show me Stalin's quote calling liberals useful idiots. The only thing I can find is that Stalin called the communist supporters in the west, useful idiots. How you can equate communist supporters from more than 50 years ago with liberals today is beyond me. It's a huge generalization and laughable. My question is are you the one that made this ridiculous generalization or was it Rush? If it was you, and since this isn't name calling, your thought process is laughable. Besides, using quotes from Stalin against liberals is as ridiculous as using quotes from Bin Laden against Bush.
                          Last edited by mgmadara; 04-06-2009, 09:33 AM.


                            Originally posted by jeb View Post
                            Let's see - when he first came in he met with the Republican leadership. He included republicans in meetings to discuss the stimulus program. And after both of these meetings the Republican Hypocrites fell all over themselves to hold a press conference denouncing his positions. Why would he even think of trying to get their input again?

                            And with a concerted effort by the GOP leadership putting pressure on Republicans to NOT accept a position, you expect what?

                            Can you say HYPOCRITE? - jb

                            I have no doubt that these qualify as proof in your mind.

                            In mine and, thankfully most people in this country and around the world, he has done more to elevate the status of the US around the world in one week than any other single person has done in history.

                            The contrast between what he has done after Bubba doing more damage to this country in virtually any area you want to look is staggering.

                            Now see, we find something else to agree on - there is NO difference between the two anymore, unlike a few years ago with I considered myself a conservative. - jb

                            I see. He met with the GOP leadership and told them , "I won". He has not worked with the GOP. You use one meeting as your basis for accepting this broken campaign promise. You are a typical Huffington Post reader.

                            GOP members didn't qualify for a position on his cabinet. They pay their taxes.

                            Nice try typing your opinion is shared by most people in this country. I don't buy it and I know you can't substantiate it. Once again typical Huffington Post reader. Validate your opinion by claiming it's the majority opinion.

                            When you say "Bubba" are you referring to Bill Clinton? He's the only president I recall being typically named Bubba.
                            Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                              Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                              Uh....he listed Mitch McConnell who happens to be the Senate Minority Leader (i.e. Republican).
                              Mea culpa - missed that - thanks for the correction.

                              You claim Obama is trying to reach across party lines yet offer no proof which qualifies, by your standards as more hotair.
                              Since there's been so much in the media since Obama's election, I didn't want to be insulting posting examples of his bipartisan efforts. However, since you appear to be residing in a carefully censored news world, here you go:
                              - Kept a Republican, Robert Gates, as his Secretary of Defense -
                              - Asked a Republican, New Hampshire senator Judd Gregg, to be his Secretary of Commerce. Gregg accepted then withdrew himself -
                              - Here's an excellent 2/17/09 non-partisan article from Forbes (a conservative publication) that brings balance to the "Is Obama bipartisan?" discussion. Even this writer recognizes that Obama was trying to reach across party lines but was being rebuffed by the other side over ideology differences -

                              "Obama knows as well as anyone that America is facing a profound crisis of confidence--not just in our economy, but even more so in our political and business leaders. And he knows that to get through this tenuous period whole, we can't afford to have half the Congress opposing him at every step and half the country questioning the legitimacy of every solution that moves on the Hill. Forget about gridlock--that's a recipe for meltdown.

                              That's why Obama continued to reach out to Republicans even when it appeared that almost all of them would vote against the stimulus bill. He knows that he can't close the trust deficit outside Washington if it persists and possibly worsens in it. And he knows that changing the hard-dying habits of hyper-partisanship, as he suggested at his prime-time press conference, will be a long-term proposition."

                              Obama refused to consider any republican proposals in his stimulus plan. He's partisan.
                              Hmmmm....not correct. Quoted from the Congressional Quarterly's 'Republicans Urge Obama to Amend Stimulus Plan' on Jan 27, 2009 *BEFORE* the stimulus plan went to a vote:
                              "House Republican leaders, who earlier blasted the $825 billion stimulus package the House is about to tackle, emerged from a meeting with President Obama on Tuesday praising his willingness to consider their ideas for changing it.

                              Their Senate counterparts, always less vociferous in their attacks on the plan, also welcomed Obama's efforts to court the minority. He met with them for nearly an hour after a 75-minute session with House GOP members."

                              Obviously Obama did not (as you put it) "refuse to consider any Republican proposals". Obama listened. Some Republican suggestions from the meeting actually were included in the stimulus plan - the tax cuts for 95% of Americans, for example.

                              Obama is a far left extremist. His appalling apology for America to Europe in his speech in Prague was sickening. His bow to the King of Saud demeans our entire country. His call for a WORLD REGIME to confront North Korea is scary. Thiese qualify as proof of my opinion.
                              Proof to you and extreme right-wing conservatives, perhaps. Still don['t see any collaborative, independent sources that support your opinion. Of course, you are entitled to believe whatever you wish. Just don't jump to the conclusion that because you believe it, it must be so.

                              For me, your points of view are just more mouthing of Republican right-wing extremist talking points that are, at best, carefully edited and scripted exaggerations, and at worst, deliberate, deceptive lies to maintain the status quo of destructive partisanship.

                              I am not a right-wing extremist. I am a conservative.
                              A conservative who just happens to state a belief in many of the same talking points that right-wing Republican extremists believe fervently too. Hmmmm....walks like a duck, talks like a duck....all too often it's ends up being a duck

                              This country was founded on conservative principles.
                              On this we agree. The problem is that the original conservative priniciples we were founded on have morphed into the 'conservative principles' the Republican party touts now. The current conservative movement in the US started as a political ideology in the early 1950s, not in the 1790s. Read all about the history of the conservative movement in this country across many parties and changes in beliefs over the last 200+ years here -

                              It's never too late to learn that things are not always exactly as we would like them to be. I do my very best to be open and pay attention to opposing views to mine, even when it's hard to do so. I dislike the false comfort of cementing my beliefs to the point that when legitimate, objective proof does present itself that my belief is flawed or my opinion not correct, I'm so shut down I'm not willing to listen.

                              I've listened respectfully to you, OhioFiler, agreed with some of what you said, and provided proof that some of your beliefs are not have you listened as respectfully to me?

                              And you know, sometimes it's just fine to agree to disagree and move on too
                              I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

                              06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
                              06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
                              07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
                              10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
                              01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
                              09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
                              06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
                              08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

                              10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
                              Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


                                Originally posted by mgmadara View Post
                                OK, since you claim this to be "history" please show me Stalin's quote calling liberals useful idiots. The only thing I can find is that Stalin called the communist supporters in the west, useful idiots. How you can equate communist supporters from more than 50 years ago with liberals today is beyond me. It's a huge generalization and laughable. My question is are you the one that made this ridiculous generalization or was it Rush? If it was you, and since this isn't name calling, your thought process is laughable. Besides, using quotes from Stalin against liberals is as ridiculous as using quotes from Bin Laden against Bush.
                                Stalin was referring to the left in this country. Keep looking. You'll find it. I did not garner that info from Rush though I'm disappointed he took today off. Mark Stein is sitting in for him. You should listen.

                                The left often uses quotes from our enemies as defense against GWB and other upstanding Americans.

                                Today's liberals are worse for this country than they were 50 years ago. In fact, 50 years ago most liberals would be considered conservatives by today's standards.

                                You speak of the "communist supporters". Who do you think they were? Who has supported communism for decades here in the USA? Who still supports communism and anti-capitalism? It is liberals. And that ain't laughable. It's disgusting.
                                Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


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