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Is President Obama Fixing the Economy?? Yes, Maybe, No - weigh in here

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    Originally posted by MomIcantFindmy View Post
    I think in two years the R's are gonna suffer another big defeat in congress. They have no leader, no direction and no new ideas. If they got a new leader today it would take more than 2 years to turn the direction of their party around. It happened to the D's in 2000. It took till 2006 and our 50 State Strategy to turn us around. Just look at their folder they produced last week that was supposed to contain the a matter of fact..they said it WAS a with no numbers. What it did say was tax breaks for the wealthy and tax rates for the lower class stay the same! Ya..way to appeal to the average voter. It is getting hard to watch the R's commit political suicide. I am starting to feel bad for them.
    I don't feel bad for them because it's all their own doing. They need to stop bickering and criticizing when they themselves have no ideas and no strategies. They need to learn from their colossal mistakes and move on to rebuild their party from the ashes.
    BK 7 filed and discharged in 2004 after 30+ years of perfect credit. Life HAPPENS.


      Originally posted by jeb View Post
      Ah, Fit, if you haven't noticed, we did - in Nov, 2008. - jb
      I said, we, the people (the middle class), NOT we, the sheep.


        Originally posted by fltoo View Post
        I said, we, the people (the middle class), NOT we, the sheep.
        And just WHO are the sheep? Certainly not the 46% that voted for the GOP last election, even after they lied to start a war, lied about WMD's, made 1000's of people disappear and taken to places where they could torture them and there by violated ever thing this country is suppose to stand for, spied on Americans in our own country violating our rights, and on and on and . . . ?

        And the Republican SHEEP still voted for and support them and now are on a campaign to try to screw up everything we need to get this country back on some sort of road to recovery. And they call themselves "Patriots" - yeah, right.

        But to answer the question asked by this thread, YES, I believe President Obama is fixing the economy - even with the total weight of every corporation in this and other countries trying to stop him by pouring more money into DC and the "buy my vote" boys and girls they control in the last couple of months than has ever been seen.

        Is he doing everything the way I would like? No. But every time I see him and then some of those fine, upstanding GOP hypocrites I give thanks that this country has him in one of it's greatest times of need in history. God help us if McCain and what's her name had been elected. - jb
        jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
        Filed - 2/27/09
        341 - 4/3/09
        Discharged - 6/20/2009


          Her name is Sarah Palin.


            Originally posted by MomIcantFindmy View Post
            I think in two years the R's are gonna suffer another big defeat in congress. They have no leader, no direction and no new ideas. If they got a new leader today it would take more than 2 years to turn the direction of their party around. It happened to the D's in 2000. It took till 2006 and our 50 State Strategy to turn us around. Just look at their folder they produced last week that was supposed to contain the a matter of fact..they said it WAS a with no numbers. What it did say was tax breaks for the wealthy and tax rates for the lower class stay the same! Ya..way to appeal to the average voter. It is getting hard to watch the R's commit political suicide. I am starting to feel bad for them.
            It is time to stop thinking in terms of D and R.

            First and foremost the people you elect should be for your state. Virginias, Tarheels, Ohioans, etc.

            Foolishness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. For almost 150 years we have voted in terms of D and R. We have almost unfailing flipped which is in power every 8-12 years. We must stop the cycle.

            Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The D and R are corrupt as you can get.

            Now it would take a full 6 year cycle to break the cycle in the Senate since only a third is elected every 2 years however the entire House could be replaced. Look for those write in candidates and third party candidates in 2 years. Send as many of them to the House as you can. Our problems are fiscal so pick wherever possible fiscally conservative people to fill these posts. It is the only way we'll reign in congress. Imagine for example a House composed of a dozen parties and many unaffiliated, the old rules would have to die.
            May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
            July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
            September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


              Originally posted by jeb View Post
              And just WHO are the sheep? Certainly not the 46% that voted for the GOP last election, even after they lied to start a war, lied about WMD's, made 1000's of people disappear and taken to places where they could torture them and there by violated ever thing this country is suppose to stand for, spied on Americans in our own country violating our rights, and on and on and . . . ?

              And the Republican SHEEP still voted for and support them and now are on a campaign to try to screw up everything we need to get this country back on some sort of road to recovery. And they call themselves "Patriots" - yeah, right.

              But to answer the question asked by this thread, YES, I believe President Obama is fixing the economy - even with the total weight of every corporation in this and other countries trying to stop him by pouring more money into DC and the "buy my vote" boys and girls they control in the last couple of months than has ever been seen.

              Is he doing everything the way I would like? No. But every time I see him and then some of those fine, upstanding GOP hypocrites I give thanks that this country has him in one of it's greatest times of need in history. God help us if McCain and what's her name had been elected. - jb
              Fiscally I think the country would have been better off with McCain-Palin, Baldwin-Castle or Barr-Root having won the election.

              Unfortunately to many Americans were listening to a great orator and not looking at his substance in Obama. To many bought into the 100 years McCain war.....which isn't possible since at most McCain could serve 8 years as president.....etc.
              May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
              July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
              September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                Originally posted by JRScott View Post
                Foolishness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
                No JR that's the definition of insanity
                Chapter 7 07/30/2008
                341 09/17/2008
                Discharge 11/21/2008


                  Originally posted by TEW View Post
                  No JR that's the definition of insanity
                  I'd say we are foolish and insane for keeping electing R and D.

                  In truth there should be no national parties in my opinion.

                  What is good for Texas isn't good for Maine.

                  There should probably be a minimum of a hundred or so parties, two for each state. Indeed George Washington said there should be no parties in his farewell address. Warned of the dangers of partisan politics etc.

                  When the politicians are more loyal to their party than your state, then you have a problem. When they can't stand up to their party for fear of losing funding, then you have a problem. As I said we need Virginians, Floridians, Texans, etc. not D and R.
                  May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
                  July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
                  September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                    Originally posted by jeb View Post
                    I guess this statement more that any show the Republican Hypocrites for what they are - HYPOCRITES.
                    This is typical lib-think. I never indicated anywhere I was a Republican. Nor did I blame the failure of the bailouts and stimulus package solely on O'bama.

                    The truth is anyone who supported this corporate welfare shenanigans is on my list of politicians not worth voting for again.

                    Note also that O'bama was present to vote on the bailout in September. He supported it. Now no one knows where that first $350 BILLION went. He is linked to that mistake as Bush and the other dumbasses who HAD to pass the bill to save the country. Then we were able to see history repeat itself when the O'bama "stimulus" bill HAD to be passed before midnight or we were doomed. No one in COngress bothered to read the bill and we ended up burdened with billions of dollars of wasteful liberal policy spending. Of course it turned out passing the bill by midnight wasn't really necessary as O'bama was on vacation for a few days and the bill waited until Tuesday to be signed into law.

                    BTW, remember how often GWB was dissed by the left and media when he took a vacation? O'bama, a mere 3 weeks into his administration needed to take a few days off.

                    Just so you know jeb, I am not a Republican. I am a Conservative.
                    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                      Originally posted by jeb View Post
                      Isn't is a wonderful paradox that the things wall st. was doing is so complex that only someone from the inside can straighten it out?

                      Much like the tax laws for Corps - they are so complex that the IRS can't even audit them. Score one more for those "buy my vote" boys and girls in DC - of both parties. The large corps are finding their money well spent.

                      And hold on to your hats - that great bastion of neutrality - the Supreme Court - is about to take down what little control we had over Corp money going to elected officials. You ain't seen nothing yet as to what the GOP will do when that happens. - jb
                      Moveon has goten inside your brain.

                      You do understand who finances all the large liberal gruops don't you? Does the name George Soros ring a bell? Peter Lewis? To a liberal it's okay to accept dirty filthy corporate cash if it flows to liberal causes. Didn't you refer to me earlier as a hypocrite? Pot, meet kettle.
                      Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                        Originally posted by jeb View Post
                        Yes, it was - but we are still trying to get part of the money that was funded for it back from Palin - that very same Palin that is now trying to turn down money to increase unemployment benefits and education. I guess if one has a dropout in the family, educations isn't high on ones list of priorities, huh?

                        And as for "babbling Barney" - even Newt Grendrich, not known as one of the far left - stated the other day that President Obama is one of the greatest orators this country has ever had. But, hey, what do you expect from Republican Hypocrites?

                        Oh, BTW, I use to be a Republican - USE being the operative word. - jb

                        Actually, O'bama has proven he's a great teleprompter reader. No more, no less.

                        Why would a liberal decry Palin wanting to spend federal tax dollars in her state? I don't get it. Liberals cry that only the government can fix our problems yet then we read jeb's rant about Palin's government not giving back the bridge money. You would think jeb would be pleased that Palin is using tax dollars on governemnt projects of any kind. Oh right. I forgot. Palin is a Conservative(neo-con in lib speak) so she must be spending the money on evil things like abstinence education, war or worse....CREATIONISM IN OUR SCHOOLS! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! We're doomed!

                        Frankly, the GOP needs less people like you so thanks for exiting.
                        Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                          Originally posted by JRScott View Post
                          I'd say we are foolish and insane for keeping electing R and D.

                          In truth there should be no national parties in my opinion.

                          What is good for Texas isn't good for Maine.

                          There should probably be a minimum of a hundred or so parties, two for each state. Indeed George Washington said there should be no parties in his farewell address. Warned of the dangers of partisan politics etc.

                          When the politicians are more loyal to their party than your state, then you have a problem. When they can't stand up to their party for fear of losing funding, then you have a problem. As I said we need Virginians, Floridians, Texans, etc. not D and R.
                          What you are describing is a return to Constitutionalism and Federalism. Both completely antithetical to everything liberalism stands for today.

                          The Constitution is NOT a living breathing document.
                          Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                            Originally posted by JRScott View Post
                            Fiscally I think the country would have been better off with McCain-Palin, Baldwin-Castle or Barr-Root having won the election.

                            Unfortunately to many Americans were listening to a great orator and not looking at his substance in Obama. To many bought into the 100 years McCain war.....which isn't possible since at most McCain could serve 8 years as president.....etc.

                            O'bama has indicated he intends to extend both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars for several years and keep a presence there ad infinitum. Had McCain become president and made the same exact decisions the left would be protesting all over this great nation. Senator O'bama would be expressing grave concern over this decision. Cindy Sheehan would be camped out at one of McCain's houses in a tent.

                            This highlights the difference between conservatives and liberals. Conservatives have a core set of beliefs that don't change. Liberals are like Silly Putty and can mold their beliefs to fit today's agenda.
                            Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                              Silly putty? It has too much form.

                              I always say liberalism is like a big amoeba that absorbs the cause of the moment.

                              It would be great to get rid of both the dems and reps and the two party system. Wishful thinking.


                                Can't we all just get along.
                                Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
                                Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
                                Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

                                Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


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