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Is President Obama Fixing the Economy?? Yes, Maybe, No - weigh in here

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    Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
    Obama is a politician. He's not working for anyone except his narcissitic ego.
    If having someone that is intelligent, competent, knowledge and understands how to get things done is using his "narcissitic" ego then LONG LIVE SOMEONE WITH A NARCISSISTIC EGO! - JB
    jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
    Filed - 2/27/09
    341 - 4/3/09
    Discharged - 6/20/2009


      "Attack them. Attack them and destroy them."

      This was a statement contained in an internal Republican National Committee memo from about 20 years ago that was leaked to the press. (I use to have a copy of it but am not able to find it now.)

      It was in content about those that disagreed with them or their policies.

      It says it all - THIS is the total and complete thinking of the very heart of the Republican Party - no matter the issue, no matter the subject, no thought of if it is right or has merit - just attack and destroy ANYONE that does not agree with everything they say.

      And it even goes to their own - look at how the Jackals turned on Powell and others that dare to think for themselves.

      A wonderful group of people, those Republican Hypocrites. And when I say Republican Hypocrites, I do not put ALL Republicans in that group. I do not disagree with all they say or stand for - just the methods they use and the total closed mindedness of so many of them - my way or the highway.

      But those of you that have for far, far too long stood on the sidelines and allowed the party to be hijacked by a few have to bare responsibility for doing so.

      The time is NOW - either stand up and take back your party or see it continue to disappear.

      For the first time in my life I see the real possibility of a third party in this country - something many have wanted for a very long time.

      There are, of course, serious issues with a third party but for good or bad, if the GOP keeps going in the direction is has for the last 30 years, IMHO, we will have a third party. - jb
      jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
      Filed - 2/27/09
      341 - 4/3/09
      Discharged - 6/20/2009


        Originally posted by mgmadara View Post
        That's funny, because that's the exact same thing I have thought about you while reading this thread. You're far from innocent when it comes to name calling. Things are never going to change in this country until people learn to respect each other and work together. All the generalizing and name calling is childish.
        Nice try. Let's see examples of my name-calling.

        I respect everyone's opinion. I choose not to work together with anyone hell bent on destroying my country. That includes liberals and so-called moderates.
        Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


          Originally posted by jeb View Post
          Statement from a N. Korean spokesman when asked if the two American reporters they are holding were going to be charged.

          Thank you, Republican Hypocrites and those that support them. May your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren never have to pay for what you have helped create for them. - jb
          Another great example of why Josef Stalin referred to the left in our country as "useful idiots."
          Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


            Originally posted by jeb View Post
            Of course it's not his fault (nor Bush's fault).

            Of course it's not his fault - nice of you to admit it - but it IS, in a large part, Bubba Bush's and the Republican Hypocrites fault.

            It IS his problem though. And every step he has taken to solve it has either been a disaster or is a clear step toward Mraxism.

            And, yes it is his problem and from where I sit he is doing far, far better at solving it that I would have ever begin to expect - the stock market has regained the losses it had taken after he came into office, the housing market has seen an indication that it is bottoming out in everything except home values, i.e., home sales up and new home starts up, some of the stimulus money has just started to make it's way down to those that need it and spend it (BTW, I am still waiting for Reagan's great "triclke down" to get to me! .

            Overall, I would say that he is doing an outstanding job.

            And MARXISM? Surly you are kidding? Do you even know what Marxism is? Have you ever read anything about it? OR, are you just another of the Republican Hypocrites that throw out statements like that without even having a clue as to what you have said?

            I'll give Obama a break when you admit you are wrong for your "hating" GWB.

            Hate? NO - I don't hate Bubba Bush. I feel sorry for him - a man that obviously isn't the sharpest tack in the box, who was never a success at anything he ever did even when done on Daddy's dime, a man put into office by his Dad and then surrounded himself by his puppeteers who, at least for the first 5-6 years made all the decisions.

            NO, not hate but contempt - total and complete contempt like I have never had for anyone in my life.

            I don't hate Obama. I simply recognize he's a professional campaigner, a terrific telepromter reader and a man of no real substance or administrative talent. He reminds me of the character Tom Hanks played in the movie Big.

            Have you noticed that it is getting very, very lonely where you stand on this. Every day, you have fewer and fewer who believe like you - even Newt Gringrich has had some favorable things to say about President Obama of late.

            Yup, just you, Palin, that good 'ld boy, Rust Limbow and a ever smaller group still believe as you.

            BTW, it's not "could have cared less". I think you mean "could NOT HAVE cared less". The way you write it indicated there was room to care less. That the evil Republicans cared but could have cared less.

            When you can't write clearly your message loses worth. Your name calling doesn't help either. Thus, I've discounted your opinion to unreasoned and limited.

            "Your name calling doesn't help either." Can you say, HYPOCRITE???? - jb

            Why do you cut and paste your "knowledge" off the site? If you want to debate this topic fine but let's not use such silly rhetoric like "Palin, that good 'ol boy...".
            Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


              Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
              Nice try. Let's see examples of my name-calling.

              I respect everyone's opinion. I choose not to work together with anyone hell bent on destroying my country. That includes liberals and so-called moderates.
              I said name calling AND generalizations, so here you go. You're pretty quick about pointing out typos and grammar errors in other posts, so I left all of your errors intact.

              Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
              Moveon has goten inside your brain.

              You do understand who finances all the large liberal gruops don't you? Does the name George Soros ring a bell? Peter Lewis? To a liberal it's okay to accept dirty filthy corporate cash if it flows to liberal causes. Didn't you refer to me earlier as a hypocrite? Pot, meet kettle.
              Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
              This highlights the difference between conservatives and liberals. Conservatives have a core set of beliefs that don't change. Liberals are like Silly Putty and can mold their beliefs to fit today's agenda.
              Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
              Typical liberal. America is evil. Can't trust any American.

              I have an optimistic view of our citizenry. Most libs are pessimistic.
              Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
              I couldn't agree more. Your thought process is sad indeed.
              Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
              Another great example of why Josef Stalin referred to the left in our country as "useful idiots."
              You accuse Jeb of repeating everything spews when you are doing exactly the same thing by repeating everything Rush Limbaugh spews. This is what is wrong with politics today. Both sides accuse the other of doing the same thing they are doing. For example, during Bush's presidency I remember Rush calling the democrats unpatriotic and other names because they wanted Bush to fail. Jump forward to a new administration and Rush is doing the exact thing he chastised the democrats for, only now it's OK. Whatever happened to cooperation? The people on the far left and the far right aren't willing to budge an inch. How are we ever going to succeed if nobody is willing to compromise?


                Obama is devouring this country into so much debt that the amount passes the combined total from every single president starting with Washington up to the time when Obama was elected. I truly hope it works. I dont have much to say about him, I didnt vote for him, but he seems to be a very intelligent speaker. As far as a decision maker....remains to be seen, but so far Im not too impressed.

                The one thing this country has going is the fact we are a superpower if not THE superpower.

                In your feelings of contempt for GWB, Jeb, I feel sorry for your lack of ability and reasoning behind such 'contempt' if you have truly gathered and considered all data including the irrational exuberance (of everyone in power whose influence stunk up the white house steps) that GWB inherited from Clinton, along with an unprecedented attack on this country that needed to be answered.


                  Originally posted by mgmadara View Post
                  You accuse Jeb of repeating everything spews when you are doing exactly the same thing by repeating everything Rush Limbaugh spews. This is what is wrong with politics today. Both sides accuse the other of doing the same thing they are doing. For example, during Bush's presidency I remember Rush calling the democrats unpatriotic and other names because they wanted Bush to fail. Jump forward to a new administration and Rush is doing the exact thing he chastised the democrats for, only now it's OK. Whatever happened to cooperation? The people on the far left and the far right aren't willing to budge an inch. How are we ever going to succeed if nobody is willing to compromise?
                  My gosh has that quote of Rush's been taken out of context by so many, lol. He never said he wants Obama to fail.


                    Originally posted by CompTweaker View Post
                    My gosh has that quote of Rush's been taken out of context by so many, lol. He never said he wants Obama to fail.
                    Right, and the Dems only wanted Bush's policies to fail. My point remains, the hypocrisy by the far left and the far right is ridiculous and getting us nowhere.


                      Yes he did

                      Originally posted by CompTweaker View Post
                      My gosh has that quote of Rush's been taken out of context by so many, lol. He never said he wants Obama to fail.
                      12/05/08 - filed pro se
                      01/27/09 - case dismissed and closed - 02/24/09 - case reopened and dismissal vacated
                      04/01/09 - new 341 scheduled
                      6/02/09 - DISCHARGED!!!


                        Yes, he said he hopes Obama fails when asked to respond with 400 words for Obama's inauguration....he said "I only need 4" ...."I hope he fails"....
                        Rush Limbaugh, America's Anchorman and Doctor of Democracy, is known as the pioneer of AM radio. Limbaugh revolutionized the media and political landscape with his unprecedented combination o f serious discussion of political, cultural and social issues along with satirical and biting humor.

                        ...but what I meant, and I guess i should have been more clear, is he hopes Obamas agendas fail if he indeed continues to try pushing govt influence into the private sector. He doesnt want to see the president of the USA, in general, Fail.


                          I respect everyone's opinion.

                          And that statement is followed by -

                          I choose not to work together with anyone hell bent on destroying my country. That includes liberals and so-called moderates.

                          Ah, and that leave ONLY who? Right wing hypocrites, maybe? - jb
                          jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
                          Filed - 2/27/09
                          341 - 4/3/09
                          Discharged - 6/20/2009


                            Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                            Why do you cut and paste your "knowledge" off the site? If you want to debate this topic fine but let's not use such silly rhetoric like "Palin, that good 'ol boy...".
                            Heck, didn't realize I was in such good company or that someone would take my writing as equal to some of the pros. To be honest, I can't ever remember going up on the site. - jb
                            jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
                            Filed - 2/27/09
                            341 - 4/3/09
                            Discharged - 6/20/2009


                              Originally posted by CompTweaker View Post
                              Obama is devouring this country into so much debt that the amount passes the combined total from every single president starting with Washington up to the time when Obama was elected. I truly hope it works. I dont have much to say about him, I didnt vote for him, but he seems to be a very intelligent speaker. As far as a decision maker....remains to be seen, but so far Im not too impressed.

                              The one thing this country has going is the fact we are a superpower if not THE superpower.

                              In your feelings of contempt for GWB, Jeb, I feel sorry for your lack of ability and reasoning behind such 'contempt' if you have truly gathered and considered all data including the irrational exuberance (of everyone in power whose influence stunk up the white house steps) that GWB inherited from Clinton, along with an unprecedented attack on this country that needed to be answered.
                              I, and I think most every one of average or above intelligence also truly hope it works. If it doesn't this is going to be one very, very long and difficult road for all.

                              My contempt is not just for Bubba - but for those that blindly followed, supported and STILL support him, even after all the damage he has done to this country and the world - - and still try to pass it off on others. (What? We didn't do anything wrong.)

                              And please allow me to tell you where some of this contempt comes from.

                              I know a man that was either a part of or a supporter of the Swift Boat Assassins that put out the clip on John Kerry.

                              Somehow, I ended up on their email list - the one between themselves. When I say these people are psycho, that is a serious understatement.

                              They are right there with the Skinhead, KKK and Neo-Naxi groups out there. Everyone - and I do mean EVERYONE - that does not 100% agree with them is a traitor and they are arming themselves for the coming revaluation - THEIR REVALUATION!

                              There is no discussion with them - just as there is no discussion with the present leaders of the GOP. If Christ himself appeared in front of them and said they were wrong, they would turn on him in a NY minute.

                              I enjoyed the give and take of a good political discussion - I can take either side - until leading up to the 2000 elections. And all of a sudden, there was no discussion - if you didn't agree, you were not a PATRIOT. You were a traitor.

                              I have found there is NO DISCUSSION with these people- their way or the highway. And this has been the way it has been for over 8 years now - and is still that way.

                              As I mentioned, I do not group all Republicans in with them but it is YOUR party. Get off you duff and do something about these nuts that has taken over your party.

                              I use to be a reg. Republican but never voted a straight party line - I, like I would hope everyone would do, looked at the people and the issues and then voted - until 2000.

                              I will not blindly vote Democratic in the future but I will never, ever vote for a Republican again until something is done to rid the party of those in control of it and it makes a serious change from what is now the heart of the party.

                              There is no place in this country for single issue voting. There is no place in this country for promoting fear as a weapon to political gain. There is no place for hatred. All of these things are at the heart of the GOP today.

                              I decided, for the first time in my life, to try and do something about it. I actively worked in a campaign - against what I think is wrong. I -and hundreds of thousands of others - will do so in the future - for those that try to do what is right for the people and against those that fall into that "buy my vote" group - - no matter which party they belong to.

                              It is time to get money out of DC - until we do, there is no hope for us. Do your part. - jb
                              jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
                              Filed - 2/27/09
                              341 - 4/3/09
                              Discharged - 6/20/2009


                                Originally posted by CompTweaker View Post
                                My gosh has that quote of Rush's been taken out of context by so many, lol. He never said he wants Obama to fail.
                                As has been mentioned here, he did, in fact, say that - just that way.

                                It was only AFTER the fact that he tried to explain his way out of it that he changed his story - even the Great leader of the GOP wouldn't stick to his statement, it seems. - jb
                                jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
                                Filed - 2/27/09
                                341 - 4/3/09
                                Discharged - 6/20/2009


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